The Coven {11}

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I had been trying to convince myself to talk to Avril the entire week. It was now Friday, my last chance. As the end of the day came forth, I ran to her locker.

"Avril," I shouted as I followed her through a crowd of students.

"Gwen!" Felix chased after me. He grabbed my wrist pulling me back. "Is there any other way? She's not what you think!"

"Felix," I tried to tug my arm from his grasp. "I know what I'm doing! I've met tons of people like her!"

I pulled as hard as I could and sent myself skidding towards the ground. Finding myself across from Felix on the floor, people laughed.

First grade, Terrace school, Canada
12:00 pm

"You better stop running, Gwen."

I didn't stop running. In fact, I ran even faster. Tommy chased me and eventually yanked my scarf pulling me to the ground.

"Tommy! Get off of me!" I screamed, fearing what he would do. "Why won't you leave me alone?!"

He pulled my scarf tighter.

Wheezing, I shoved him as hard as I could before everything went dark.

End of flashback.

"Gwen! Snap out of it!" Felix said as I felt everything come back into focus. I heard an eerie screeching noise and a few voices. Everything spun. My instincts told me to lay down but of course I had to take the difficult road.

I shook my head, standing up and walking out. Pushing my hair back, I ran home quickly.

Tommy. Tommy Acadia. That was a name that I haven't heard in a while. But the forgotten intrigued me, and the remembered sat without recognition until it was forgotten.

Without greeting Aunt Sally, I sat down at the old computer.

I typed into the search bar: Tommy Acadia, Lethbridge Canada.

A few accounts popped up on Facebook, in which I checked through and found nothing. I rummaged through the pages, with no luck.

Why do I need to find this kid anyways? I knew him for like half a year, then he tried to kill me so we moved. I remember him calling me a witch, or maybe he just said bitch, but that's beside the point.


"It seems this Tommy kid is as far from the online world as I am." I sighed aloud. It was late at night. Very late at night. I hadn't stopped the continuous battle of finding Tommy.

Odd that Felix hasn't shown up. He's always around me. Stuck like glue. Maybe the 'honeymoon phase' has just ended. I shrugged, pulling my fingers up to the history tab to see how much I had done.

Obviously there was a lot. As I kept scrolling, I noticed something that I had never searched before. 'Covens in Australia'.

Covens? What even is that?

I clicked on the site, paranoid that Aunt Sally would come and catch me.

Coven- definition: A group or gathering of witches who meet regularly.

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