Chapter Nineteen This One's for You

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Chapter Nineteen This One's for You

I hope this chapter makes you cry twice. Once from happiness, and once from sadness. So, I'm really, honestly, not sorry. 

When Jaime get's back from tour. 

"Lex, Lex, Lexi," a voice says, shaking me lightly, trying to wake me up, trying to shake me from my fantasy world, "wake up." 

I roll over, confused as I saw Jaime crawling into the bed next to me. He wasn't meant to be home yet, not so early. I haven't been able to sleep past eight any day this month, he shouldn't be home before then. 

"Hime?" I barely mutter, I was meant to pick him up at the airport later this afternoon. "Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you were meant to be on a plane right now?" 

"We wanted to surprise you, so we lied saying we weren't leaving, but we left last night." 

I rolled my eyes, scooting over and letting him crawl under the blankets with me. "I can't believe that Vic let you get away with that." 

"Anything new with you, Lex?" he asks, letting my head rest on his chest, as his fingers run through my hair. 

I bite my lip, now would be the best time to tell him, "I, I, uh, I'm er, pregnant, Hime." I mutter, my voice coming out quiet, unsure of myself. I knew I was pregnant, I had no reason to be unsure of myself. 

I watched as Jaime sat up, pushing me off of him. "What the fuck, Alex? How long have you know?" I knew Jaime, and I could tell he was slightly off put, that not being anything close to what he expected. 

"Since, since you left for tour. I took the test then." 

"I can't have a fucking kid, Alex. What about the band? I mean, you're only twenty-four, that's so young to be having a child," he paused, pushing himself off of the bed and pacing the room. "I thought we were always fucking careful." 

"Two weeks before you left for tour, we didn't, er, after I sorta, uh, jumped you. We didn't remember to use the condom. I thought my birth control would have worked."

He stood up, walking out of the room, a few seconds later, the front door slamming shut. 

I shot up, my body drenched in a layer of cold sweat. "It's just a dream, Lex. It's just a dream. He's not home. He's on the plane right now." My voice was shaky and my mouth filled with saliva. I shot out of the bed, running towards the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet as my stomach contents from last night emptied into the porcelain bowl.

Morning sickness. I was hoping that I would be as lucky as my mom, and get morning sickness until the last trimester. But, I've had it for two weeks now. Lucky little ole me

I'll admit, telling Jaime wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was his kid, and I couldn't hide it. His flight lands in three hours. You have time to prepare. I knew there would never be enough time to prepare, not for telling Jaime something can would change both of our lives. 

I hated to admit it, but I was dreading this. I have been dreading this since I found out six weeks ago. I knew I couldn't hide it, not know that there was an actual bump forming. As soon as Jaime saw me in a sports bra he'd know something was going on. 

I stood up off of the floor, looking at myself in the mirror. I didn't look too different, until I turned to the side, then it was more evident. Sure, I wasn't too big, maybe I just appeared to be extremely well fed. It looked like I was bloated, but as soon as you touched it, as soon as you felt how solid the 'fat' was, you could tell. But, Jaime knew me, he knew my body. I couldn't hide this for too long, he'd be able to tell if he rested his hand on my stomach while we were laying together. 

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