Chapter Twenty-One 9:28 am

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Chapter Twenty-One 9:28 am

So, I'm sorry beforehand. 


Four months later, Alex is six months pregnant. 

"Just stay home, lay in bed, and cuddle with me," Jaime mutters, rolling over and throwing his arm over me. 

"It's my last day of the week, I'm not going to call in, no matter how tempting your offer does sound, Hime-Time," I pause, sitting up, "plus, you'll be stuck with me for who knows how long after this little shit is born," I say, motioning over my very large stomach. "Plus, you have to go to the studio. The fans are impatient."

He groans, rolling over, wrapping his arms around my waist as I slide my converse on. Jaime had been really clingy in the past week, and I think it's mainly to do with the upcoming tour. He knew I wouldn't come on the tour, and I knew he was worried that the baby might come early, and that he would miss it. 

"Lexi," he whines, his face buried in my back. 

"Jaime, go to the studio when you're meant to be there, I'm going to go to work. After work, I will go and pick up some takeout and we can have a movie night. Okay?" He groans, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow. "Now, goodbye, I will see you after work." 

~Third Person POV~

     9:15 am

Alex pulled her car into reverse, leaving the apartment parking lot behind as she drove, slowly merging onto the highway. Music playing through the speakers as Alex sang along quietly to the words she knew, making them up when she didn't. 

     9:25 am

Ten minutes after Alex left, Jaime managed to pull himself out of the bed and make his way towards his own car, heading in the opposite direction from Alex, the distance between them growing with each second. 

     9:27 am

There was a loud crack, louder than a gunshot. The noise startling Alex as she glanced left, her view being blocked. Soon she felt her car slam into something, sending her spinning in circles through the highway. 

     9:27 am

A semi-truck traveling around eighty-three miles per hour, one of the tires giving way as Alex's compact car passed, sending them both spiraling, hitting railings and flipping. 

     9:27 am

Alex's immediately response was to guard the unborn child within, her hands leaving the wheel as her car spun, rolling. The cars behind them unable to stop, hitting the small car on it's side, slamming into the semi that had barely stopped, getting pushed further forward with each hit. 

     9:28 am

Alex, previously traveling seven miles over the speed limit, eighty-seven miles per hour, was now unconscious in the middle of the freeway, her car on it's roof, each impact making the car move, getting more glass spread through the road, through the car. 

     9:35 am

Jaime, arriving at the studio, greeting the rest of the band. Vic asking how Alex is, how the unborn child has been treating her. Mike saying that he's glad he doesn't have to deal with Alex pregnant. Tony, saying that he has a guitar riff he want's Jaime to look at, find a bass part to match. 

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