~Chapter 2~

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Hi everyone! First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my book, it means a lot! Enjoy!

My breath hitched, and my eyes widened at the news that the strong Alpha in front of me was my mate. Unlike most of the girls my age, a mate was not something that I really thought about often. But now, he was standing before me, and for once, there was nowhere to run.

I was brought out of my reverie when the Alpha took several steps forward until we were only a foot or so apart. I was quite a bit shorter than him, and had to crane my neck to look in to his stormy blue eyes. I was immediately captured by the various emotions running through them, and was unable to look away.

A cough from behind us resulted in the Alpha snapping out of his trance, his expression hardening into one more business-like. He made his way back around to his chair sitting behind his mahogany desk, and gestured for me to take the seat in front of him. I walked towards the chair, took a seat, and attempted to gain some composure. The Alpha folded his hands together, resting them on the desk, and straightening his posture as he did so. His eyes bore straight into mine, and it was then that I realised that he was just as surprised to meet his mate as I was.

"What is your name?" This was the first time that he spoke and I actually took into account how deep and silky his voice was.

"R-r-iley," I stuttered, my nervousness resulting in me looking away from his eyes.

"Riley," he said almost to himself, rather than to me. The way my name rolled smoothly off his tongue, had my heart beating faster, and my hands to become clammy. "Why have you entered my territory Riley?"

"My pack was attacked, and everyone was killed except for myself. I started running, and they began to chase me. I knew that if they caught up, they would kill me, but if I crossed your borders, at least I would have some chance to live." At this point, tears welled up in my ears as I relived the horrific circumstances that led to my arrival here. I lifted my head upwards, to again meet the eyes of the Alpha, only to find he was already looking at me with sadness and sympathy.

"Ryder, can you please take Riley to the guest room closest to my bedroom?"

"Yes, sir." Ryder gestured for me to stand and follow him out of the office. I stood up heading towards the exit, but took one last glance behind me at the Alpha. He was already watching me leave, and nodded his head towards the door. I took that as an indication that he wanted me to leave, and turned my head back towards the exit, and continued to follow Ryder outside into the hallway.

Ryder led me back down the hallway, and up a staircase. As I was walking I continued to take in my surroundings. From the outside, I thought the house was big, especially considering it consisted of three stories. However, from the inside, it looked even bigger. Not only was the house tall, but it was quite wide and deep, which added to it's magnificence.

After walking for about five minutes, Ryder stopped outside yet another double door entrance. I grasped the metal handles, pushing both doors open and stepping inside. I was immediately greeted with a king sized poster bed, surrounded by sheer white fabric, which somewhat blocked the outside world. The covers were a beautiful silk black and white set, and with several pillows at the head of the bed. On the left side of the room were two doors, one which led to a walk in closet, the other leading to a modern looking bathroom. The bathroom held both a bath tub, and a shower, and this room in itself was bigger than my whole bedroom at home.

I exited the bathroom coming face to face with Ryder. "How do you like the room?" I was surprised he even had to ask, as even I could tell that the look on my face would have resembled something close to shock and awe.

"It is absolutely beautiful, thank you." It was then that I realised that what I really wanted right now was to have a nice warm shower, and go to bed. "Is it alright if I have a shower, and go to sleep, I'm quite tired?"

"Sure, I will have one of the girls bring up some clothes for you to wear tonight and tomorrow." He then walked back towards the doors, closing them on his way out.

I entered the bathroom, taking a look at my appearance in the mirror. My long brown hair was matted and sticking up in all directions, my eyes were ringed by dark circles, making me look tired and lifeless. My skin was also more pale than normal, my guess being due to the lack of food, water and sleep. I began to remove my clothes, depositing them in the hamper beside the door. I opened the shower door, turning on the taps, hot water cascading down , causing the room to fill up with steam. Once the water reached my desired temperature, I stepped inside, letting the hot water relieve some of the tension in my muscles.

As I washed myself with some of the products already inside the shower, I began to think about the day I have had. Watching my friends and family being killed, running from the Black Shadows, crossing into Red Moon territory, and meeting my mate. I was overwhelmed by everything that had happened, unsure what to think. I feel incredibly guilty for not helping when everyone was in danger, despite the fact that in doing so, I would have most likely lost my own life.

I turn off the water, and take a towel which was hanging up on the rack, and use it to dry myself off. I wrap it around myself, and exit the bathroom, releasing some of the steam into the bedroom. I look at the bed to find two sets of clothes laid out; one being pyjamas, the other being shorts and a shirt to wear tomorrow. I slip into the pyjamas, hang up my towel and enter the plush covers of the bed. I lay my head on the pillow, and due to my exhaustion, it does not long to fall asleep.

AN- I would like to apologise for waiting over two weeks to update, my computer decided it would crash, and it couldn't be repaired, so I had to purchase a new one (lucky it was still under warranty), and start this chapter again! Thanks again to everyone who has read this, don't forget to vote and comment!

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