~Chapter 4~

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Hi everyone,

I have a new update for you guys! Thank you for continuing to read, it means a lot! If you like this chapter, please vote and comment. Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, it is a bit of a filler for the next chapter. :)

That same afternoon following my meeting with the Alpha, Ryder once again arrived at my bedroom door to escort me on my tour. It went well and the land was really beautiful. Each of the houses was surrounded by beautiful gardens, the typical white picket fence and many had a swing in the front yard. Kids were playing and running after each other, their voices and giggles absolutely melodious, bringing me a sense of calm. As we were walking, my thoughts drifted to Levi and whether or not we have a future which includes children. I shake my head at that thought, remembering that he barely wants to see or speak to me, let alone have children.

My attention shifts to Ryder, who, despite our slightly awkward encounters, was really easy to talk to and get along with. It felt nice to have a casual conversation and get to know someone, especially since I have only met two people since I've been here. It was from that moment that I knew that Ryder and I would be close for the length of my stay, however long that might be.

How long I would stay here would depend on one person. Levi. His actions during our last meeting filled my mind with confusion. I mean, ever since I was little, my parents told my stories, including about their own experiences about how a mate bond would work. They said that meeting your mate was one of the most joyous parts of being a werewolf and that the bond between mates was almost impossible to resist. However, thinking about Levi's cold attitude, I started to rethink these stories. Maybe, they were simply fairy tales.

I mean, we barely spoke and he hadn't exactly made any attempt to get to know me. Clearly, for him, it wasn't that hard to resist. I know that wasn't the case for me. Even the thought of him had my heart beating faster, and my hands to become clammy. Maybe I'm just weak, I thought to myself, he is an Alpha all.

When I returned to my room, I laid back, my thoughts continuing to spin, consisting of Levi and the murder of my pack. Everyone I loved killed in front of my eyes, and not being able to do anything to stop it. There was also a feeling in the back of my mind that told me that I had not seen the last of the Black Shadow Pack.

Later that night, Ryder brought dinner for the both of us to my room. We sat together on my bed, the conversation flowing whilst we ate.

"Ryder, can I ask you a question?" I asked, hesitant to bring up the Alpha.


"Is Levi always so serious and, well, cold?" I didn't meet his eyes, not wanting him to see the slight feeling of pain that asking this question brought me, despite the fact that we had only talked on a few occasions.

"Around his pack, yes, that's his job. He is the Alpha. His job is to protect his pack and to do that he must be somewhat feared by the people around him. If he isn't, people might get the impression that he is easy to overpower."

"But why does he act that way around me, I'm his mate," I reply still confused.

"Levi has been through a lot in his life, and although he puts up a strong facade, underneath is really is a nice person. Just give him time to get to know you," he says comfortingly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

The rest of the night is spent continuing to get to know each other. Ryder has become a friend, who begins to fill the hole left by the loss of my family and friends. He tells me all about the pack and some of his favourite places to visit, promising to take me there at some point.

Eventually, Ryder leaves as Levi is needing his assistance with something to do with the pack security on the borders. He gives me a hug before taking our empty dinner plates and closing the door behind him. I think about what he said about Levi, debating in my head whether I should try and get to know him, or wait for him to make the first move. I decide to sleep on this thought, getting ready for bed. I lay on the pillow, my eyes closing with the exhaustion of the day. Almost instantly I am asleep, my dreams filling with Levi, and the possibility of a happy future, with the cold-masked Alpha.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know by leaving a comment or voting on this chapter! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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