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When I entered the office I noticed it had been rearranged so that principal Andrew's desk was moved to the left side of the room and there were four seats in the middle of the room now, two of them where detectives Jansen and Oconnor were sitting and two others facing them, one where I assumed I was suppossed to sit and the other one, a little farther away from were principal Andrew waved his hand gesturing me to come in "Hi Emily. Please take a seat" As I did so I noticed the detectives looked at eachother , sharing a silent conversation and I wondered if this was part of the interrogation too if they could tell how nervous and truthful I was by the way I sat but then the moment was gone as if it had never happened and they both wore friendly smiles now, fake friendly smiles "You must be really worried Emily. We know she was your best friend so take your time to answers these questions. Ok?" I looked at principal Andrew and he gave me a look as if to say that I could talk that it was the right thing to do, to trust them but even if I didn't, I wanted Zara back so I looked at Detective Jansen and nodded.

"Alright then" detective Oconnor continued " We want you to tell us what happened yesterday, everything that you may remember every detail as little as it may seem"



We were leaning against my car, snow falling around us, waiting for Zara who had gone back inside the school a few minutes ago saying that she needed to get something and when we were about to go with her, she said that it wasn't necessary since it would take no time.

"We're gonna go get coffee right?" I heard Gwen say "yeah. Then I'll drop you off at your house, so you guys can get ready for the party", that seemed to make Gwen even more excited, if that was possible " Do you know if Zach's gonna be there?"

"When has he ever skipped one of Jason's parties or any party for that matter. I mean he's his best friend of course he's gonna be there. But why are you asking?" said Teagan eyeing Gwen curiously

"Just wondering" Gwen replied looking towards the school entrance " How long hast it been since she went inside?"

"Like 15 minutes. Should we go look for her? " asked Elle, checking her phone.

"Please" scoffed Zoe "she's not a baby I'm sure she's fine. She always does this as if we have all the time in the world. I mean I don't know about you guys but I'm freezing right here" I glanced at Elle as I remember what she had told me a few days ago 'She doesn't really like Zara , you know, you and her got over what happenned but I don't think Zoe has'

"You can always go inside the car" she glared at me but didn't seem to have anything else to say. Then just as if on cue Zara came running toward us.

"Sorry guys I didn't think it would take this long. I run into Ms. Fray, she can be a real chatterbox and" turning towards me, she continued " she asked me to tell you she thinks you should audition for the role of Rapunzel" . I looked at her confused as I adjusted the strap of my backpack "Really Zara? I'm not even blonde" . She gasped, faking hurt
"I'm not lying! . . . Look, it doesn't really matter anyway. What do you think they use wigs for? Besides everyone loved you as Belle." I rolled my eyes "yeah. But that was like a year ago and-" I stopped as I heard Zoe coughing, bringing everyone's attention to her, "I'm gonna leave now, mom came to pick me up. She got on an earlier flight and we're gonna have lunch together but don't worry I'll go to Gwen's before the party" and as I helped her get her bag out of my car I asked if she was sure her mom was here, since the last time she said she would pick her up she had called me crying an hour later saying that her mom had called after an hour, to tell her that she couldn't get in the flight to NY because she had another meeting with a client. She sighed "It was a one time thing, Em. She just forgot. Everyone forgets stuff" I nodded, not being completely reassured "take care, ok?"

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