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So I was tagged by Arianna (MayaFriar_ ) to do this... Thanks so much! NOT.


1. Must put all the rules on it
2. Must give 13 facts about yourself
3. Must tag 13 people
4. Must answer the 13 questions I give
5. Don't say "no tags"
6. Must finish within a week or creator will get mad (idk if I'm late)
7. Tag backs are allowed (why is this a rule? 😂)
8. You must use creative titles
9. Must be in a book/status book; not in comments or message board
This took me soo long ugh
Kit-Kats, Purple Cats, 13 facts
(Idk if that is creative ^)

1. I'm 100% Indian but I was born and grew up in New York

2. My goal is to travel to every country in the world

3. I hate fruit but I love vegetables

4. I love to binge watch Netflix while eating chocolate

5. I'm obsessed with Star Wars

6. I have a pathological fear of spiders (arachnophobia)

7. I snuck into school once

8. I am a night owl and have severe cases of insomnia

9. I love astronomy

10. I am glued to my phone almost every day

12. My real name isn't Sabrina, okay it is, I mean it's my middle name XD (13 votes and I'll tell you my first name)

13. I am obsessed with Riarkle and Lucaya

Questions, Questions Galore!

Q #1: Dream date? Romantic, sunset, pastel, flowers, not cliché

Q #2: Have you ever watched Full House? If not, why? Yes.

Q #3: Last movie you watched? Uh, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Q #4: Favorite ice cream flavor? Tie between Cookies & Cream and Cookie Dough and maybe Mint Chocolate Chip

Q #5: Ideal Saturday? No homework/work in general, sitting around on my phone and watching TV

Q #6: What would be the worst Christmas present anyone could give you? A doll, an ugly sweater or something pink

Q #7: Describe in great detail what I had for breakfast? Homemade waffles, half plain, half chocolate chip drowned in syrup with a mountain of whipped cream and ice cold water

Q #8: Why did I get a Wattpad account? I started with voting and commenting or following other people or books then it became to express my love of writing and making friends

Q #9: Last time you laughed so hard you cried and why? My dad and mom had an arranged marriage (cause that's how it usually works in India) so my dad jokes around that my grandpa "sold" my mom. He was going to say something else but we kept on joking about it. It may not seem funny but you have to be there to actually realize how funny it was. I rolled out of my seat and was laughing hysterically and crying

Q #10: Closest thing to you that is blue? My fuzzy blue blanket, it's 10° outside and I'm freezing

Q #11: Could you go a day without your phone? To be honest, NOPE.

Q #12 (yay, last more question cause this is killing me): uhhhh, uhhhh, oo, climbed the face of the tallest peak in the Catskills... Or faked my identity (don't ask)
Now here are my questions;

Will this be done? Hold on!

1: No phone or no TV
2: Last thing you wrote (i.e.; number on a math problem)
3: Sweetest thing a boy has ever done for you
4: Closest thing to ever committing a crime?
5: Last thing spoken to you?
6: First thing you think of when you hear "lactose"
7: Last book on Wattpad you published
8: Favorite fandom?
9: What are you most talented at?
10: Favorite place?
11: What is an inanimate thing 1 foot away from you?
12: What is the most annoying thing in the world to you?
13: Most embarrassing moment?
Tagging- plutomatthews harthurr sillylittleweirdo /@/LeviOsanotleviosAR cxssiejones riarkIe RangerRicks MissAsia_ wavyworld LucayaBird asdfghjklucaya Klutzycandyface rowderland rileyspluto

Sorry if you already got tagged you gotta do it again...

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