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it was really weird not needing to wake up so early to attend school. it felt like my daily routine was going to change to another to a new one today.

sighing, i got up from my bed as i looked at the clock. it was 10am in the morning. i guess i was really tired yesterday that this was the first time i've ever slept until so late.

speaking of yesterday...

my face heated up at the memory of jeon jungkook kissing me in front of ms choi and mr kim. i won't deny it, it feels really good. the way he move his lips against mine – it was so addictive.

i shook my thoughts off as i went out of my room and prepared breakfast.


"what?!'' i exclaimed in shock as jungkook broke the news to me. he nodded slowly.

"ms choi... is dead?" i whispered as shivers went down my spine. jungkook sighed and took a seat next to me.

"a student in the school found her body near he staircase around the staff room. the security tried to track if it was a murder or something but it's not working because the cctv spoiled." jungkook explained.

"so it's not a murder?" i asked, my lips trembling. somehow this has became really really terrifying to me.

"they are still checking about it." jungkook said. my ears still couldn't believe what he had just say. ms choi, the school principal, was dead? who could've possibly killed her?

jungkook intertwined his hands with him as his thumb rubbed a circular motion on my hand. his actions calmed me down a bit and i was thankful for that.

"let's think about that later, we should think about something now." jungkook started.

"about what?" i questioned.

"us." jungkook smiled and my heart skipped a bit. he always never fail to me make nervous – in a good way.

"you are too young to be in a relationship, jungkook." i sighed. "you should focus on your studies instead."

jungkook frowned. "there's no such thing as too young. if you truly like someone, age doesn't really matter. plus, you do know that i've been flunking math recently right? if you want me to focus on my studies, you need to continue to teach me math."

"then i will continue to be your math teacher instead." i argued.

"no! it's different! i can't control my hormones whenever i see you, okay? so if you remain as my math teacher i honestly don't know what i would do to you."

"what would you do?" i challenged him.

"maybe i would fuck you so hard that you can't even walk for one whole week," he whispered as i tried not to blush. reminder for me, i shouldn't challenge a boy that is full of hormones.

"and if i be your girlfriend?"

he smiled. "i would wait until you're ready."

without thinking anything, i buried my face into his chest as his comfortable scent engulfed me. i then felt his arm wrapping around my waist.

right at the moment, the doorbell rang.

jungkook groaned as he his tightened his grip on my arm, which resulted in me unable to get out.

"jungkook!" i tried to squirmed out of his grip but he was too tight.

"ignore it," he mumbled. i shook my head, "what if it's something important?"

he sighed then unwrapped his arms. i then immediately rushed towards the door and opened it, only to be greeted by the douchebag aka my ex again.

"what do you want–?"

"listen to me, jae in." he panted, as he took a deep breath. "you know that ms choi was found dead today right?"

"there's two other more students who were found dead just now, and they are your students." he said.

"who?!" i exclaimed.

"jung hoseok and min yoongi."


okay i'm so sorry for this shit chapter because my brain cells have been used up for mY HOMEWORK

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