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i recognized it as the police sirens. seokjin hissed, while ruffling his hair in frustration. if looks could kill, i would be ten feet deep under the ground right now.

he hoisted me up and carried me in a bridal style. he clicked his tongue, "shit babe. we are not safe here."

i was trying not to squirm at how uncomfortable he was holding me since i thought it would result me to me getting into more trouble, and i wouldn't even want to think how bad that could be.

he ran through the back door of the room which seemed like a secret exit. pretty soon, the both of us were out and the cool breeze of the nature immediately greeted my face.

there weren't any police at the sights which made me bite my lip nervously. the coast was clear and everything was silent, except for seokjin's heavy breathings, i think even a drop of a pin could be heard.

"arrest him!" a voice came out of nowhere, and i immediately squealed in delight which was a huge mistake – he was gripping onto me even more tighter.

he ran towards the alleyway, and like in every movie ever, there was a huge and gigantic wall blocking his path. by then, the police officers were already crowding behind us.

"guess i have no choice then. stay here, baby." seokjin commanded as he placed me down onto the floor and i was instantly comfortable. he then proceeded to run towards the police, i thought he was going to charge at them but no, instead he just ran past them which resulted with the police officers chasing after him.

i heaved a sigh of relief as i tried to free myself from the rope but to no avail. i scanned the area for any sharp objects, and i found a really weird and sharp shape tiny object sticking out near the garbage.

i slided my way across there which took a lot of effort. i took a closer look at the object and i realized that it was a nail – a toe nail.

"ms jung?" a voice mumbled. the toe wriggled, and a figure came out to greet me.

"jungkook!" i screamed, not believing that he was in front of me. i was really glad that he was okay. or maybe he was not. his forehead was bleeding profusely and he had a lot of scratches on his face.

he did not reply me, but helped me to untie the rope on my hands instead. my hands felt free as i quickly brought it to the front. jungkook threw away the rope and pulled me into a hug, which surprised me a lot.

"i just– ms jung, i'm really really glad that you're okay," he whispered, his voice quivering. i could feel my shoulder getting more moist which could only mean one thing – he was crying right now.

"it's okay, jungkook. i'm here, even though i didn't expect that i would be here once again," i hushed him, patting his back.

"i was really afraid that you were taken away from me, i t-thought that you wouldn't come back anymore–" he continued sobbing as i continued to patt his back to soothe him.

"don't think about those now, jungkook, i'm here now, aren't i?" i answered. jungkook bobbed his head softly, then buried his face on my shoulder.


it turned out that jungkook was being thrown in the alleyway after fighting with those men and i was being grabbed away by seokjin.

fortunately, he got arrested. taehyung was still nowhere to be found though.

jungkook still seemed traumatized from what happened. he kept on helding my hand, preventing me from going anyway or if i wanted to go somewhere, he would insisted to come along. i understood his feelings so i let him do so.

"jungkook, stop worrying, okay? i won't leave you," i reassured him as i held his hand tighter. he nodded his head and rest his head on my shoulder.

"ms jung? you know sometimes, i feel so scared to be too attached to people but at the same time i couldn't help it,"

"that's the problem with me. i grow too attached to people and then i ended up getting hurt countless times." he whispered. i pursed my lips, not sure how to answer it.

it was as if he read my mind, because he said that, "you don't need to reply to these. i'm just sharing my thoughts, i want to be more open with you."

"ms jung, if you truly don't like me, it's okay. i've experienced a lot of heart breaks before so i think i'll get over this," he stated, and whispered the last part, "but not so easily."


next chapter will be the last!!

thank you so much for supporting me guys, even tho i suck at updating hehe

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