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last chapter hehe my horny hoes


everything was back to normal, except that kim taehyung actually became the next principal of this school.

i got back to the school, and i was really glad that i did, because i miss all of my students and i miss teaching.

once again, i was teaching jeon jungkook's class. it was better than teaching 6a, i was quite thankful that taehyung asked me to teach class 6a.

jungkook and i got closer kinda as friends. now, we were walking casually towards the school. we didn't mind that the others would gossip about us because we weren't dating at all.

"ms jung, what topic are you gonna teach today?" jungkook started the conversation as he kicked the stones that were blocking his path.

"hmm, algebra, my favourite topic!" i answered in excitement. jungkook groaned, protesting about how is it that he was going to learn algebra again.

"i'm not good at algebra," he said, smirking. "but you and i together make 69."

"jeon jungkook, you better start running before i throw my shoe at you!"


"ms jung!" the whole class chorused in synchronisation. i was a bit surprised, because everyone's eyes were liting up when they saw me.

"good morning, class 6a. i'll be your math teacher from now onwards!" i chirped. i didn't expect it, but the whole class cheered and it looked like they were partying.

"shawty imma party till the sun down!" a student who has deep voice hollered. i laughed at how cheeky he was. someone snapped at him, and i realized that it was jungkook, he was crossing his arms while glaring at the other student.

i smiled while shaking my head.

"okay class take out your textbook, we are going to start on algebra today!" i yelled. the students obediently took out their textbook and placed it on their table, except for jeon jungkook. he was still crossing his arms and pouting.

i made a mental note for myself to attend to him later.

i proceeded to teach the basics and stuff, until i told the class to the worksheets that i provided. i cautiously walked to jungkook, and knelt down beside him.

"what's wrong?" i questioned, while heaving out a big sigh.

"you were giving him so much attention just now..." he trailed off, while looking down. a smile form on my lips as i realized what he was talking about.


"ms jung, isn't your email adress beautifulgirl@mydreams.com?" jungkook questioned, while leaning forward closer to me. i tried not to blush the at the closeness as i shook my head, and lifted up my hand signaling that i would throw my red pen if he ever say anything again.

"if four plus four equals to eight, then me plus you equals to fate!" jungkook said cheekily.

"jeon jungkook, i swear, your pick up lines are like pi – it's never ending." i groaned internally.

"well then, let's make love like pi ; irrational and never ending." jungkook smirked. i tried to ignore what he was saying but no – the words kept on repeating in my mind.

he suddenly pointed to the worksheet that i was marking, which was the topic algebra, "wanna be the variable to my coefficient?"

it was what i thought them today – variable and coefficient.

i swear to god, jeon jungkook.

"oh oh! i remember something about angles!" jungkook screamed all of a sudden which made me jolted up on my seat.

"hey baby, hopefully you don’t think I am being obtuse, but you sure are acute. I bet if we got together it would be pretty complementary." jungkook winked at me and i swear i literally melted like a puddle of ice cream. god damn it.

"ms jung, wanna know something about fraction?" jungkook asked, pursing his lips. i just nodded my head, and continued to mark the worksheet.

"sex is like fraction ; it's improper when the larger one is on top."

i should've never even agree to bring him to my house today. he kept on begging me to bring him, and since i thought he was in a bad mood due to the incident in class, i decided to bring him to my house to at least cheer him up. but well, i am the one who's suffering from heart attack right now.

"lastly, i learnt something about math!" jungkook said, and i opened my mouth wanting to stop him from throwing me any more pick up lines, but he beat me to it.

"math is like sex because one ; half the time I get an odd result. two ; if my hands aren’t enough, I end up using my head. three ; i always wonder how the person next to me is doing on his work. and lastly four ; my average at each is pretty dismal."


i literally kicked jungkook out of my house because i had enough of his nonsense. yet a bit of me was still enjoying his horny pick up lines because it was driving me crazy.

i sighed as i placed my head on the table, tired of marking the worksheets. i then saw a phone near the edge of the table, and i realized that it was not mine, but jungkook's.

i grabbed his phone and walked towards the door, wanting to open it but i felt that i stepped on something. looking down, i saw a piece of paper. i picked it up and read the words.

' solve this equation! 9x-7i > 3(3x-7u) '

i wonder who slipped in the paper through the door hole. nonetheless, i did a mental calculation on the equation.

within a minute, i arrived at the answer.

' i < 3u '

i furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what it means. right at the moment, the door burst opened and there stood jungkook.

"ms jung," he said, flashing me his bunny smile. "i love you, and i'll love you from here to eternity."

i flushed at his words and he walked closer to me, until he stood directly in front of me.

before i knew it, he leaned down closer and captured my lips, fireworks erupted in my stomach and it still felt so good even though it wasn't the first time he kissed me.

the kiss was so sweet that both of us didn't bear to let go, but we had to. he rest his forehead on mine and smiled.

"so am i fit to be your boyfriend now?" he whispered. i smiled shyly as i nodded my head because, who could even resist this boy?

i lifted up my hand and showed it to him, "what are you gonna do with my hand? it's shrivelled from corniness,"

"well, i'm going to straighten it then." he replied, and intertwined our hands together. i blushed hard at the contact of our hands.

"ms jung," he said. i hummed in response. he suddenly placed a kiss on my forehead which i didn't expect.

"are you the square root of negative one? because girl, you look so unreal to me."


thank you so much for supporting this story! i really didn't expect it would have a lot of ppl reading it, because i thought it was suckish at first hehe

i decided to q&a!! it's uploaded already hehe

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