I Got Myself A Flirt

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A/N: please read the authors note at the bottom, ok so that's all I have to say until the end of this chapter, so... Enjoy


   Carter suddenly looked down at me with this mysterious look all over his face and I did not like it. I started backing away slowly,"what?" I asked. "Oh nothing" was all he said with that sexy smirk still all over his face, and coming closer to me again. "Carter I will scream 'rape' if you touch me" I said looking at him honestly but trying to fight the urge to smile. "Oh you wouldn't dare because I'm too hot to go to jail" he said, a smile now on his lips and showing off those dimples.

   Though this time I couldn't exactly balance myself from not passing out because of his beautiful face, and ended up falling backwards down near the shore, and was now laying in the sand staring up at Carter, scared now. What the heck was this boy going to do to me? And the stupid water kept going in my hair which didn't exactly help the situation. He leaned over me putting his hands on the sand above my shoulders, while bending down over to my face. That caused my breath to get caught in my throat and my mouth slightly opened in shock, oh sweet baby goodness was he planning on kissing me?!

   "You stole a kiss from me so it's only fair I do it back" and with that he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and a blush immediately went up to my cheeks. He smirked clearly satisfied with my reaction, I chose this moment to get up "that's all your gonna give m-!" I stopped myself realizing what I was just about to admit to Carter. I can not believe that I was about to admit to him that I wanted more than a kiss on the cheek, so with that said I turned around and face palmed myself for almost letting my hormones take control.

   He just chuckled and turned me around and gave me a kiss on both cheeks gently "there" he laughed. I stared up at him now annoyed that he was teasing me "can you just stop please?" I said, giving him a pouty face to see if that would help. "What? What did I do wrong? Your the one who kissed me in the first place I'm just playing along. It's just two friends playing a kiss on the cheek game and so far i'm winning." He said, another smirk playing along on that beautiful face of his.

   "Not true, you tempted me with your cute tallness and besides I could basically feel your 6 pack all over me!" I yelled defensively with wide eyes. "Are you saying that i'm cute Amberlande?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "What n- ok whatever can we just go back to our conversation of getting to know each other" I said walking right by him, down the beach.

   "That's what I've been trying to do all along before you decided to tackle me in a kiss" he said a-matter-of-factly smiling a bit at the facial expression I made, which required a very confused and dumbstruck facial expression. "What!" I screeched bewildered, I shoved him a little  and he didn't even move an inch, so that got me frustrated a bit so I shoved him a little harder, but still nothing. I did it again and still nothing! Was he made out of steel or something?

   So being the competitive person I am of course I felt threatened, he probably thought he was stronger than me so I tackled him to the ground, only to have him drag me down with him. He was dying of laughter meanwhile I was fuming silently to myself. Way to go Amberlande yea just pounce the guy that you like, I thought. "your something else you know that?" Carter suddenly said amused at my craziness.

   "And your crazy for not having abandoned me yet, usually when people see how clumsy and mental I am they run away faster than a couple of rats being chased by humans" I said. He laughed   which onlymade me feel the vibration of his laughter in my tummy. I smiled up at him and when he finally finished laughing he smiled down at me too.

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