What's Up With My Friends?

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A/N: I hope you guys are liking the book, if you wanna let me know in the comments please do so, oh and keep them votes coming ;) This chapter is a bit of a filler chapter as it's not as funny as the others but I promise next chapter will make you laugh so hard you might even sneeze fart O.o uh yea so go read and please comment! BTW PIC OF CARLEY ON THE SIDE!



     Once we got down the stairs and I jumped off of Carter,I saw a mixture of different faces staring back at me, and let's just say that I didn't like any of them.


     Let's just say that Carley, had this shocked/happy look all over her face. Luke on the other hand seemed like as if he was in the mood to kill someone. Mr. Richardson seemed to be feeling the exact same thing as Luke but I swear I could see smoke coming out of his ears and he was currently glaring at me an Carter. So if looks could kill I'm pretty sure that Carter and I  would be dead by now.

     Although Mrs. Richardson on the other hand looked about just as happy as a unicorn on a rainbow, would. Except I'm pretty sure that she would be ten times happier than the unicorn itself. I grimaced, great what in the world had I done this time to get all of these different facial expressions from them.

     "Oh my god Amberlande... Is this what you have been doing for the past 2 days?!" Carley managed to blurt out, as her lips formed a perfect 'o'. At first I had no idea what my crazy brunette friend had just blurted out as for I was too busy thinking about what I had done in the past week for the odd facial expressions passing through my loved ones faces. So when her words did finally settle in my brain, to say that was embarrassed was an understatement, and I immediately felt the need to correct her question, or should I say thought.

     "Um n-no I wouldn't exactly say 'doing' more like 'hanging out' with." I blurted out. I managed not to stumble over my words causing me to then give myself a mental pat on the back. Although I was mid-through my fifth pat when I saw the 'yea right' face she gave me.

     Did I acknowledge it? No. Instead I decided that it was enough of awkward silence, and chose to introduce my friends to Carter. "Alright that's enough of that, um..." I gestured towards Carter "these are my friends, Luke and Carley also known as Larley. Larley meet Carter my next door neighbor and my now um best friend?" Yea I know what you all are probably thinking like wow she doesn't even know what kind of relationship they have. Yea well the whole kiss-on-the-cheek game kinda tipped me off a bit.

     "Yup, best friend." Carter confirmed while shaking hands with Larley. Had I not have been eyeing the whole meeting and greeting thing, I'm pretty sure I would not have noticed the look on Carley's face when Carter shook her hand. To put it rather bluntly, she looked just about ready to air hump him, and I immediately took ahold of poor innocent Carter's arm and dragged him rather far away from her.

     The minute I moved him though, Carley sent me a rather displeased look. Well that makes two of us, I thought. "Well this is awkward..." Mrs. Richardson suddenly said clearing her throat in the process. I flinched, I had totally forgotten that she was still here.

     All of a sudden I heard tiny foot steps sounding throughout the house, oh well I guess Nathan found out Carley was here. I placed my hands over my ears preparing myself for what I knew was coming. As I looked around the room I noticed my friends doing the exact same thing minus Carter, that was currently looking over at Mr. Richardson, me, and Larley with confusion. Mrs. Richardson just rolled her eyes at our gestures. Than that's when it happened.

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