Chapter 5

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Jake POV
Looks like I am going to be out even longer and I won't be back in time for Wrestle mania so that means I can't wrestle but Stephanie said she replaced me with Randy and that he would face Seth at Mania in 3 months so I wasn't worried because I knew Batista would beat Seth in the cell at the PPV and Randy would beat Seth badly at Mania so I wasn't worried and I knew that they would get the job done Randy, me, and Batista were in the locker room talking
J-Batista you have Seth at the chamber PPV right?
J-Randy you have Seth at mania right?
R-yeah I do is there anything special to him something you want us to do to him when we face him like send him a message by beating him and showing him no mercy then we pin him?
J-that is exactly what I want you to do send him a message that says, "you don't mess with evolution" beat the hell out of him show no mercy I want you to beat him senseless and Batista I want you to make sure that Randy can easily beat him at mania but, Randy show him no mercy you got it?
Both-got it
J-good lets go get Stephanie and hunter let's go back to the hotel, Check-in, and celebrate the beating that Seth is going to receive Sunday and at mania at the hands of both of you okay
*at the hotel
S-what room are you three in?
J-we are in 912
R-we are across down the all from one another?
J-yes let's go put our stuff down and come back down rest for a little bit then come back down in about an hour to get something to eat
J-let's go
*in room 912*
When me and Stephanie got to our room we put our stuff down and we laid on the bed together I set my alarm so that we can wake in an hour to go down again I laid down Stephanie put my arm around her and we both fell asleep.
*one hour later*

Stephanie POV
I woke an hour later because Jake's alarm on his phone I was wrapped in his arms when I am in his arms I feel protected and that nothing will happen to me I woke Jake when I said "babe your phone is going off" he said "okay" he put in his code and uh turned it off then we got up and got dressed.
J-babe I bought you something
S-what did you buy me?
*Jake pulls out a expensive dress from the closet*
S-you didn't have to do that you know that right
J-I know but I wanted to
S-what kind of designer is it?
S-seriously he is my favorite designer thank you I love it
*Stephanie kisses Jake*
J-your welcome and I'm glad you like it do you want to wear it?
S-of course!!!
J-okay go put it on and I had it custom made just for you by the way bring this with you I have a surprise in their for you
S-thank you I am going to go put it on right now, I love you
J-I love you too
*Stephanie opens the bag that Jake gave her *
S-oh my god
*she opens the box with the diamond necklace and a note inside*
The note reads...
Dear, Stephanie
This necklace is for you I had it custom made specially for you.
Enjoy it

Stephanie POV
After I read the note I was crying tears of joy I can't believe he bought that for me I am so lucky to have him after I stopped crying I put my dress on did my hair and makeup and finally I put the diamond necklace Jake got. Once I did that I walked out of the bathroom and I saw Jake sitting on the bed putting his shoes on I grabbed my heels and I put them on then he got up and he asks me..
J-I can see you have the necklace on that I got you do you like it
S-I love it thank you
J-your welcome I don't care how much it costs me I will spend any amount of money just to see you smile
S-I know that because you don't want to see me sad like I was when I was in a relationship with hunter I was sad before I met you
J-I know you were sad when you were in a relationship with him, I can see that you are happier now then you were then and even though he is in evolution with me and even though I am friends with him trust me I won't let him touch you I promise you and if he does then tell me, Dave, and Randy and we will take care of it plus, if he touch you he will be kicked out of evolution and I will be the leader I mean that because me, Dave, and Randy have already talked about it and we agreed on it if I am not there I told Randy and Dave to protect you at all costs because your safety matters to me I promised you something a few months ago and I intend on keeping that promise.
S-okay thank you let's go I just got a text from Randy they are waiting for us outside the door.

Randy POV
When Stephanie and Jake came out I noticed Stephanie had on a Givenchy dress and a diamond necklace on to go with it Jake probably bought it for man, does he spoil her a lot he gives her anything she wants because he doesn't want her to be sad like she was in her other relationship that she was in. She used to be in a relationship with hunter and we promised Jake if he is not there for some reason that me and Dave would protect her at all costs we also promised him that we wouldn't let hunter touch Stephanie and that if he does than hunter would be kicked out of evolution and Jake would take his place as the leader he promised her the same thing that he made us promise him and me and Dave tend to keep our promise that we made to Jake a few months ago.
*skipping the dinner and drinks*

Stephanie POV
After we ate and had drinks Randy, Dave, Hunter, and Jake were hammered the only one that wasn't was me but I did have a few drinks but not as many drinks as they had when we got upstairs we all went to our rooms and we fell asleep.

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