Alessia Parks believes in fairy tales. Big time.
So when the handsome Carter Matthews waltz into the restaurant she works at and tells her that she might possibly have the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen- those eyes holds hearts in them.
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I picked up the bill in front of me and quickly glanced down at the tip. I felt my lips curl open to form a bright smile as I stuffed the crisp sixty dollar bill in my back pocket.
"Will that be all today, sir?" I chirped happily. He nodded, and I saw him squint his eyes to read my nametag. "Yes, thank you for your great service today... Alessia?"
I nodded at his pronunciation of my name. He straightened his already straight tie for the fifteenth time since he had arrived- I had counted. He nodded his head and I wished him a good night, before heading back to deposit my tip in my locker.
When I emerged, I noticed there was a new customer sitting at one of my tables. I quickly shuffled over and pulled out my notepad, mindlessly scribbled down his drink order. When I glanced up, my eyes snapped to his.
Hot Damn. I must be dreaming because who the fuck looks like this in real life?
Deep forest green eyes, chocolate brown hair in a loose pompadour style, sharp jawline covered in a short and tidy beard and mustache. You better believe when he grinned at me with his stupid perfect teeth, I nearly became a puddle on the ground.
I need the number to his dentist as soon as possible. Would it be rude to ask?
I tore my eyes away from his and courtesied away before rushing to the kitchen to put his drink in to be made.
Meanwhile, I internally beat myself up. Who the hell still courtesy's? He looks like a prince from a fairytale! God, this is so cliche. I need to stop reading so many romance novels.
I collected myself and grabbed his glass of pinot noir wine and set it gently on his table. I somehow was able to hold eye contact with him. Look at you Alessia! Being all assertive and such!
"Have you had enough time to decide?" I squeaked. Well, there goes being assertive. He glanced back down at his menu before saying, "I'll have the seared scallop with truffle and butter sauce first, and then have the filet mignon." I nodded and wrote it down quickly so I could distance myself as fast as possible. I moved to turn around before I heard him say, "Oh, and miss, uh, Alyssa? You that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."
It's actually Alessia, but I'm not about to correct the human ken doll.
I scoffed at how corny the pick-up line was and his incorrect pronunciation of my name, but nevertheless, my face heated up and my inner hopeless romantic melted into a hapless pile of gooeyness.
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By the time I came around to pick up the bill I felt kind of sad as he walked out of the restaurant and let out a sigh.
Goodbye, beautiful human being.
I gathered up the money and stuffed it in my pocket without glancing to see my tip. I checked the time. Ten thirty. Shifts over. I trudged tiredly to my locker and ripped it open, collecting my stuff. I quickly sifted through my tips to count my ground total before I noticed the small business card stuffed awkwardly in between two twenty dollar bills. It read:
Carter Matthews
Paragon Hotel & Resorts
I stuff it in the bottom of my bag, crumpling it up. I laugh to myself.
It's not like I'm going to call the guy!
This is so cliche. BUT I SWEAR IT WILL NOT BE I JUST NEEDED AN INTRO. Forgive me for my tackiness but it will get better!