Ch. 6 👰?

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F Bonnie glanced at both Future and Present Damon before meeting P Bonnies gaze,"You know I can't tell you that." She say.

P Bonnie sighed,"I understand that but I need to know who I am going to have a future with."

F Bonnie only smiled, "Just know that you're happy. Your husband is an amazing man who can also act like a...child." She says, her gaze purposely drifting towards Stefan.

P Bonnie looked from F Damon to Stefan and gasped,"Really!? That can't be - are you telling me that - Stefan!?" She nearly screamed.

Stefan looked at her before turning to F Bonnie,"Is what she's saying true?" He asked,"Am I her - Are we husband and wife?" He questioned, tightening his hand around Caroline's.

F Bonnie smiles at him before suddenly appearing before him. She lifted a hand to his cheek and gazed into his eyes,"I love you, Stefan Salvatore," She says softly, leaning closer to his face.

Stefan stopped breathing as she leaned in closer,"You - You love me?"

She nods, leaning in closer,"I do." She says before her lips touched his soft skin before pulling away,"I love you, terribly, but not as a lover. More like a brother."

She watched as Stefan let out a breath of relief,"Bonnie, sweetie pie, that wasn't nice." F Damon says with a smile.

F Bonnie glares at him,"Watch it with the nicknames, Damon." She hissed.

F Damon smiled before turning his gaze onto Stefan,"Breathe brother. You weren't blessed with Bonnie here as your wife." He says.

"Then who was?" Caroline asked.

F Damon smiles,"That's for us to know and for all of you to dot dot dot." He says.

"I see that much hasn't changed." Caroline says.

P Damon rolled his eyes,"Who Bonnie is or isn't married to isn't any of your business." He says.

Stefan turned to his Present brother and raised a brow,"You know who she's married to, don't you?" He questioned.

That famous Damon Salvatore smirk graced his lips,"Now, what gave you that idea, brother?"

"Stefan's right!" Caroline gasped,"You know!"

F Damon and P Damon shared a glance before turning to look at everyone,"Does it really matter if we do?" They said at once.

"Okay, that wasn't creepy." Tyler says.

F Bonnie shook her head,"Look, who I'm married too doesn't matter, I mean it does, but not right now." She says,"All that is important now is removing the spell from Present Bonnie."

"And how do we do that?" Caroline questioned,"From what you told me this Kai character isn't willing to do that...willingly." She says.

F Damon appeared at F Bonnies side with a smile,"Kai isn't as powerful as he seems think he is." He says, looking at P Bonnie,"He, like any being, has a weakness."

"Which is?" Stefan questioned.

F Damon's smile falls as F Bonnie steps forward,"Me." She states,"Kai and I use to be good friends."

"What happened? Why is he doing this to you then?" P Bonnie questioned.

"Well, Damon accused him -"

" I didn't accuse him of anything." F Damon says,"I knew what he was up to and I confronted him on it."

"What did He accuse him of?" Caroline questioned.

F Bonnie sighed,"He accused him of trying to come onto me." She says.

"Well, did he?" Enzo questioned.

F Bonnie groaned,"Maybe."

F Damon fought back a growl,"Maybe?" He hissed, "The bastard kissed you! And then he tried to convince you to leave your husband for him." He hissed.

Everyone glanced at F Bonnie, with wide eyes, who rolled her eyes,"God, would you let that go?" She groaned,"It's not like it worked out in his favor." She sighed,"I love my husband far to much to allow anyone to come in between us."

F Damon had to fight the urgency to kiss her fully on the lips. He really wanted to pull his wife into his arms and hold her but He didn't want to risk P Bonnie finding out who he was to her and do everything she can to prevent them from happening. He loves Bonnie far to much to risk losing his future with her,"Well, I assure you that your husband will be very happy and relieved to hear that." He says.

F Bonnie offers him a smile before turning towards P Bonnie,"Our husband is an amazing man. He's come a long way from being the man he once was." She says,"You and Damon are very close in the future. Don't push him away for his mistakes."

P Bonnie glanced over at P Damon,"Why shouldn't I?"

"He becomes one of the most important people in your life." She says,"The two of you are a lot closer than you think."

No one was paying attention to F Damon and P Damon who shared a glance before that familiar smirk forced its way onto their lips,"We think we found a way to get Kai to lift the spell," F Damon days.

"...but the two of you won't like it." P Damon says, glancing between P and F Bonnie.

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