Ch. 12 🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏾&🧔🏻👩🏾

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P Bonnie sat on her front porch just watching the clouds float across the blue sky. Yesterday had been a long day and she needed to clear her head. Knowing that she and Damon get married, stays married for five years then gets a divorce tore at something inside her. She loved Damon and to find out that they get a divorce, it didn't - her heart broke. How could she let not having the ability to have his children drive them apart? She knew the moment she started falling for him that they'd never be able to have children together so why let that be the reason their marriage ends?

"Mind if I join you?"

P Bonnie glances up to find F Damon staring down at her,"Sure." she says on ng over to let him sit.

"Thank you."

"Wow." she chuckles.


"You really have changed. You said thank you."

F Damon smiles at her,"Yes, well, you made me want to be a better person, so."

She nods and looks down at her hands,"Was I nasty to you?" she questions.

"What do you mean?"

"During the divorce. Was I ever - nasty to you in any way?" she looks to her right to meet his piercing gaze.

He shakes his head,"Never."

She takes a deep breath and lets it out through her nose,"So, it was a peaceful divorce. Good."

F Damon reaches over and takes her hand,"Bonnie, do not stress yourself on what will come or you will miss out on what is now." he states,"Do not allow your fear of the future withhold from you the gift of the present. No one wants to live a life full of regrets."

"How can I do that when I'm told that we don't make it?" she says softly, "How can I not let the future scare me when the future I want will only last five years?"

F Damon fought a battle within himself as he gazed over at the younger version of his wife. She was upset and he could see her heart breaking in her eyes and all he wanted to do was fix everything for her. He wanted to pull her into his arms, kiss her full on the mouth and tell him that they indeed have a future. A future that makes it past five years, even ten. He wanted to tell her about their family, about how all of their friends, their family, are still together. And how everyone decided to move to Seattle, Washington. He just wanted to make her smile again, he'd do anything to see her smile but he knew he couldn't let her know about their future. It was bad enough that P Damon knows.

"The love we shared, the love we still share, is not lost to us. I still love you as I did the day I realized my feelings for you, that will never change."

"What about your wife? How does she feel about that or does she not know?"

"She knows." he says with a smile.


"My wife is a very understanding woman. She knows that I will never stop loving you. She understands that I love you and will forever love you, no matter what." he says.

"Yes, she does." F Bonnies' voice sounded behind them, "His wife know exactly how he feels about you and she understands that and doesn't question it." she says as she walked up the porch steps and moved to stand beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

F Damon smiles, "She's a very understanding woman, my wife."

F Bonnie chuckles, "She really is. She puts up with a lot concerning Damon here."

"I'm lucky she hasn't walked away from me." he says softly.

F Bonnie squeezes his shoulder gently, "Now, that is something you never have to worry about. I know your wife and she would never do that. Leaving you is not an option for her."

"Why not?" P Bonnie questioned.

"Yes, why not?" this time it was P Damons' voice that sounded.

Everyone looked up and see him heading their way, "What is this? Having a Future Past Bonding session without me?" he questioned with a smirk as he made his way onto the porch and beside P Bonnie.

F Bonnie ignores him and continues, "She loves him far too much to leave him. Damon is the love of her life. How can she leave the man who's made her the happiest she's ever been?"

P Damon looks at her with a smile, "She loves him so much that she's willing to put up with all of his flaws?"

She nods, "Yes but don't assume that she can't and won't put him in his place because, vampire or not, she can."

P Damon smiles for a moment before a frown found its way onto his face, "His wife, does she ever have regrets of marrying him?"

F Bonnie knew what he was asking and smiles as she shakes her head, "Never. Not once." she says, "Despite everything I know you would love her." she says, looking at him and P Bonnie.

"So, you don't hate her for marrying Damon?" P Bonnie asked.

F Bonnie shakes her head, "Not at all. I love Damon and all I want is for him to be happy."

"And all I want is for Bonnie to be happy." F Damon says.

"And he's happy with his wife. How can I not be happy for him?" Said F Bonnie

"What about us? Do we get married?" P Bonnie asked F Bonnie.

F Bonnie smiles, "Yes, we are married. He's amazing."

P Bonnie glances back at P Damon before meeting F Bonnies' gaze, "Do we have any children?"

F Bonnie held up a hand. "Now, I've already revealed too much."


She sighs, "Yes but I'm not telling you how many." she says with a serious look.

P Bonnie smiles,"Thank you."

F Damon places a hand on P Bonnies' hand,"Why don't we all head back to the manor? I'm sure everyone is wondering where the Future and Past Us have gone."

"Damon's right. We should get going." F Bonnie says.

"Wow, you have changed." P Damon chuckles.

"What do you mean?" F Bonnie asked.

"You admitting that I'm - we're - right? Hell must have frozen over." he laughs, "I never thought I'd hear those words coming from your mouth." he says.

"Shut up, Damon."

"How do those words taste coming out of your mouth?"

"Like vinegar." P Bonnie says before F Bonnie could.

F Bonnie smiles at her past self, "Thank you."

P Bonnie nods, "We're welcome."


I know! It took me long enough to update a chapter, I know!!! I've been busy with work, signing up for school again and moving. My life has been a bit chaotic lately.

I'm sorry it took me months to post this but it's here now so...Please don't cut my head off!

I still love ALL of YOU!!!!!!

Kisses and Wedgies!!!

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