Chapter 2 Our threads keep us binded

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I moved across the room taking in the new environment. It was strange in so many ways. Sometimes tension filled me, others time I felt relieved. I couldn't figure out why headmaster Cross had put me into Night Class although I was human, a vampire disguised as human. My vampire side had not woken yet; it had been sealed down in the past.

The only conclusion I reached was because I was a pure blood and that is why I was sent here.

The headmaster also told me that I would only have to take first two classes because the education they imparted here was already learned by me before I came here. It was actually a relief I would have extra time on my hands.

The night arrived I was given the uniform which I wore. It did fit perfectly on me which I was glad about.

I walked downstairs where everyone was waiting to get to class. When I walked downstairs everyone's attention turned towards me. It made me a bit uncomfortable but I shoved the feeling off and joined Kaname who was standing in the corner also watching.

"The uniform suits you Ms (Last Name)" Kaname smiled while his arms were crossed around his chest and he was leaning in the wall

"Oh...thank you" I looked down at my uniform and then looked up "I really look forward to my experience here I hope it turns out well and please do call me (Name) you don't have to be so formal"

"As you wish (Name) but I would also want that for myself" Kaname looked at me

"Of course um... Kaname" I smiled lightly it felt a bit weird to say his name out loud but I had the feeling that I would get along fine with him.

I turned my gaze towards the gates and I swore I could hear some screaming outside. The mystery soon got solved as I saw bunch of squirming fan girls. They looked like they would throw themselves at the Night class the moment they get out.

Kaname walked in front and I walked behind him and the rest after us. I looked around at the overly excited girls. What was with them?

"Look its Kaname!" and the girls squeal

"Aido! Please take these gifts from us" and I could see a blond hair boy taking it from them and giving them a wink which in turns gave the reaction of fainting fan girls.

"Oh look there is a new student!" my eyes widened as I heard a boy say and looked down

"She is cute! Hey miss what's your name?" I heard someone else say but I ignored them and moved forward, they were so creepy...

Kaname stopped in midway as some girl approached her and smiled at him "Hello Kaname How are you doing?" she chirped

"Hello Yuki I'm fine. I see you're doing your job well" Kaname smiled at the girl. I assumed her name was Yuki she was from the day class though but seemed like a fairly good person.

"Yea it's quite a hard job handling these girls but I'm fine" there was a faint blush on Yuki's face as she looked at her side and made an un amused expression "Hey Zero! Quit slacking off and help out!"

Zero? My eyes shot wide open as I turned my head to the direction the voice was interjected to. I saw a young man with silver hair and violet irises. Could it be him? The little Zero I befriended once had grown into a big boy now but was it truly him? I was at war with my inner conflict when a voice grabbed my attention "Well Kaname I'll see you around" Yuki run past him waving as Kaname walked again. I gave final glance at the person so called Zero and turned forward to leave for the class.

We arrived at class and it started shortly.

"(Name)?" a voice reached my ears; I turned my gaze to see Kaname looking at me "Yes?"

"Are you okay you seemed a bit worried awhile ago? Did something bother you?" he asked shifting slightly

"Not in particular" how could I tell him? The person whom I tried to avoid most was attending this academy even if I wasn't sure I knew it was him "I was just surprised that this kind of things actually happens."

"Even though the vampires are separated from the humans they still hold the curiosity to see us. Yuki once told me that it is because they think we are beautiful in some sorts" Kaname responded

I had a confused expression what was so special in us. We were just fleeting beings so easily shattered. It was a fond memory someone had told me that when I was young. But I forgot who...some pages of my memory were still missing. Turning me human from a vampire had some effects and I was desperately in search of the few pieces that were missing from my puzzle.

" that the girl from before?" I asked after a small moment of silence

"Yes that's her" Kaname replied and looked in front "She is a very sweet girl and I hope she stays like that and not get lost..."

There was a hint of sadness in Kaname's sentence but I did not question furthered as it was not my right either not just yet and my mind was also drifted to someone more important. I wanted to see him again. Even though all these years he hated me for a reason I didn't understand wholly I wanted to hate him too I wanted to forget him to leave him in the past but I couldn't he always clanged to my feeble memory which was a mess. But after all this time I still couldn't come to...hate him.

The very first friend I ever had. We vowed to each other that we would stay friends forever but our twisted past drove us away.

I wanted to cry out to him, to let him know I was here. But I was scared...scared that he might not accept me scared that he would run away again. I was scared that he still...hated me...

The first two classes were over after sometime and I was free now. I was instructed to leave for the moon dorms but I had to clear my head so I walked outside. I roamed about not actually knowing where I was going. I still hadn't had the academy tour. I stopped in front of a fountain. It was the only one here that I could find alone standing in the middle of an extended path.

I sat there and looked at the water inside. It reflected back my reflection. I could see how much I had changed I was barely recognizable I was just a fleeting being... I moved my hand inside the water which had a cold sensation to it.

"Walking on the school grounds at this time of night is prohibited" I heard a voice and sat up to look who it was

A boy walked from the woods and stood in front of me but to a good distance. I gave a closer look it was him Zero! It was really him!

"You are from the night class aren't you?" I saw him say and he turned his gaze in disgust I see so he still hated vampires "Don't you have classes right now?" he asked

" only attend the first two" I replied and he nodded understanding

"Zero...Kiriyu...?" the words escaped my mouth by themselves and I saw his sudden change as if he were shocked.

"How do you know my name?" he asked rather demanded an explanation. A small smile escaped my lips I realized he had forgotten me. I didn't want him to know the cruel reality, the suffering he went through I couldn't let him know.

I didn't want him to face the pain again even if I had too. I'd go through it million of times just to see him safe. He reminded me of a lost child forgot his way back to life.

I walked passed him my hair blowed in the wind I said those few words I always wanted to say "Its good meeting you...again..."

I left and I could feel he was watching my back with confused thoughts in his mind its best if he figured out himself...the cruel reality that awaits both of us

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