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As soon as i got out of my car everyone's eyes were on me.

"So much for staying in the shadows.. ."

I could hear everyone whispering about the New Girl.
Who is she?

Look at her she looks so lost

Where did she come from?

She's ugly

I decided to ignore them and head to the office to get my schedule. As i walked by i noticed a tall guy staring at me. He had a girl on his arm. He was so hot but he looked like a player. I took one last look before entering the office. I shouldn't judge him.

"Hi im Emma Greig, can i please have my schedule." I smiled at the lady sitting at the front desk. She started looking through papers after a minute or two she handed me my locker and a blue paper and a white one.

"Here dear the blue sheet is your schedule and the white one is a map. Welcome to Birmingham High and have a good first day." I mumbled a thanks and walked out the door.
As i looked up from my map i saw the guy still looking at me he had a smirk on his face. He was wearing a grey shirt and black jeans. One of the girls was trying so hard to grab his attention, she looked so desperate. After giving up she followed his gaze and landed on me. She glared at me and then walked away. I decided to start looking for my classes before the bell-

(Bell rings)

"Great, Just my luck" i started heading upstairs since chemistry was there. I walked through a couple hallways until i found my locker i decided to put my lunch there. After what seemed like forever i found my first period. Only ten minutes late huh. I opened the door and everyone turned quiet and looked at me. God i hate atention so much. Haven't they seen a girl walk into a class before? Jeez. I walked towards the teacher and handed him my schedule. I looked and noticed that the guy from this morning was in my class. Lord help me.I've been a good girl.

"Hi im Mr. Halum, you can take a seat next to Tomas. Tomas please raise your hand."
I looked around until i spotted the guy from this morning raising his hand with a smirk on his lips. I slowly walked towards the empty seat beside him. I sat down and everyone started whispering.
Shes so lucky

He looks so hot

Brittany will be sooo mad when she finds out!.

Who the hell is Brittany?

"Hey" I immediately fell in love with his accent. It made him 100× hotter.

I turned my gaze towards the handsome guy sitting next to me. He was so hot i cannot lie. I smiled at him. "Hey"

"Tomas" he brought his hand for me to shake it and i did. "Emma"

"So what brings you here?" He put both of his legs on the table and leaned back.

"They transferred me from Australia. For a scholarship and stuff." He looked at me for a couple seconds and then the bell rang.

I took my stuff and shoved it in my backpack. I saw Tomas waiting by the door with a smile. An actual smile.

"Schedule" i handed it to him and he smirked. "We have four classes together"

"Is that good orrrr....?" I joked around. He shook his head "its good, c'mon ill walk you to your next class"


We did a couple turns and then we arrived to AP Human Geography. HOT BOY IS ALSO SMART! HOW PERFECT CAN THIS GUY BE?!

Looks like nobody ever sits near Tomas on any of our classes together, because all the teachers sent me to sit either beside him or in front of him.

And i think atleast one third of the female population at school already hate me. All i received was glares. When lunch approached i went to my locker to grab my food but before i could my locker slammed shut. I looke at the blonde girl that looked like a clown by the amount of makeup she was wearing. Who needs so much makeup?
"Look you little whore you better step away from Tomas he is mine. Just because you are new ill give you a warning but next time you better be ready because if you dont step away I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL." she walked away without giving me a chance to answer. Does she really think im scared of her? She was moving her hips so much it looked like she was having a seizure.

I re-opened my locker and grabbed my food. As soon as i did a pair of hands were around my eyes.


"You have to guess"

"Well see i only know one person"

"I bet that person is amazing and good looking"

"Nah more like a big headed rooster "

"Ouch kitten that hurt"

"Sucks to be you"he took his hands off my eyes and put his hand around my shoulder.

"Well get ready to meet new people. C'mon you're having lunch with me." He smirked and walked with me under his arm.

"So how many friends do you have?" I asked biting my lip.

"Around five. Why?" He looked at me with confusion written on his face.

"Um...nothing i not very good at meeting new people" i knew i was blushing so i looked down. He suddenly stopped walking and i felt his stare.

"They're nice people...kinda. Don't worry ill be right by your side" he smiled and soon enough we reached the cafeteria.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter as i said im new to all of this. Ill try to improve.

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Love y'all

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