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Alex was tired of the summer holidays but he was dreading school even more.

He lay in bed the night before his first day of junior year, with his face pressed into the pillow. It was hard to breathe but Alex liked it that way, somehow. He wonders how he ever looked forward to school.

Alex groans and turns beneath the sheet so that he is facing the ceiling. Cold air tickles his face and he takes a deep breath and mentally tells himself to suck it up. Everybody goes to school, for God's sake. He tries to list the reasons why he should be looking forward to school but he doesn't get much further than a) Ruth b) Jem is joining. And besides, Jem would start school tomorrow, not today.

Alex closes his eyes tightly, desperate for sleep but sleep doesn't come. He lies in bed for hours, watching the rising sun make shadows dance on his ceiling.

When his alarm clock begins beeping at seven o'clock, Alex has already brushed his teeth and contemplating what to wear. Before today, he hadn't really paid attention to his appearance at school because who did he have to impress? Who do I have to impress now? he asks himself, feeling stupid.

Alex chooses a plain green t-shirt and a pair of relatively clean jeans and throws them on the bed before he goes to shower. He lets the cold water hit him squarely in the face and doesn't close his eyes as he washes his face. He applies some soap on the scrub and scrubs his arms a little too hard and when it doesn't hurt, he scrubs harder. The water glistens over Alex's reddened forearms and the coolness of it reassures Alex. The constant, rhythmic patter of water against the glass and the prickling in his arms soothes him and he closes his eyes. His arms scream in pain but Alex doesn't notice or care- the water is too loud, anyway.

The water keeps on running and Alex doesn't open his eyes, drinking in every moment he can keep them closed. When he finally shuts off the water and comes out of the bathroom wrapped in his towel, does he finally realize how hard he had scrubbed his arm. It prickles and tingles and the slightest touch pains. Worst of all, his forearms are an angry red colour and Alex knows if he had continued for a little longer, he could have done some serious damage.

He wets his towel and takes turns pressing it to his arms.

Alex checks his clock and curses out loud. He throws the towel aside and hastily dresses himself, trying to ignore the pain in his arms. He briefly considers wrapping two wet towels on his forearms but the idea sounds stupid, even to his own years. He throws on his jacket but his skin burns whenever the cloth touches it. Alex runs his fingers through his wet hair and grabs his bag pack before rushing to the kitchen.

The brightness of the day blinds Alex for a few moments. Since his own curtains were closed, he didn't see how sunny a day it was and how obviously hot it was going to get.

Alex's mom is grabbing a quick bite before she leaves for work. She usually chugs down a coffee and makes herself a quick sandwich which she eats on the way to work but today, probably in honor of Alex's first day, she is sitting sharply dressed for work at the table engrossed in something on her phone. A jar of juice, fresh toast and two plates of fried eggs sit on the table. Alex pulls up a chair, "Morning."

She looks up. "Good morning. Aren't you running a little late?"

"Just a few minutes."

His mom frowns and keeps his phone away. "Alex, it's warm out."

Alex smiles at her reassuring, ignoring the blaring pain in his arms. "No, it's okay. I'll take it off if I feel chilly."

His mom doesn't think too much about it. She offers Alex toast. "Butter?"

Here Comes The Sun [wattys 2016]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt