Chapter 26 - help

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Chapter 26

We followed our usual morning routine kiss and cuddle in bed, get dressed and then get dropped off at work.

'Morning Em' she was already there 'morning love' 'sorry I haven't made any more muffins' I felt slightly guilty...'it's okay love I've made some, it's not like you to not bake anything though' she questioned 'not up to it last night?' 'Other arrangements' I smiled, couldn't really tell her the whole truth. She brought out these beautiful buns all sweetly decorated and put them in display in the cooled display unit. 'They look gorgeous Em' she smiled 'aw thanks love'. I went towards the door opened it up and waited to see who we had through our door today.

At 10.30 the three girls came in again all smiles 'morning girls' me and Em smiled 'hey, could you please say thanks to Whippet for yesterday we didn't get chance to' 'of course I will' aww they were lovely. They ordered the same 'go over to a table and ill bring it over' they paid and went to a table. Em got the coffee and I got their buns, I took them over and they were flicking through the photos they had from yesterday, 'thank you' they all said as I handed them their goodies, I began to walk away when I was called back 'hey excuse me, can we have a photo' she said pointing to me and her, my face must have been a picture...'erm sure but why?' I stuttered 'we'll we are moving to Australia and you've been the nicest to us since we got here and you're whippets girlfriend!! That's pretty much famous to us' I turned to look at Em with a frowny confused look she just smiled and shrugged I turned round to the girls and agreed, 'I'm not famous though and I won't be just because I'm his girlfriend' I giggled nervously 'well even though you're not yet, you've been like a friend and we are making a scrap book that we are sending back to the UK' 'not yet' I laughed 'oh come on, if you get married to him you will become known' they all girly clapped 'would we be invited to the wedding!?' My god we'd been together a few weeks and they'd already began talking about us marrying. I shrugged off the idea and took a few photos with the girls, who then went back to their girly conversations.

An elder woman came in who ordered a slice of white chocolate cake and a caramel latte, she was just short of the right money but she came in yesterday and was really lovely, she was slightly blind, she held her hand out with the change, I took out a dollar from of my purse and added it to her money, which meant she would have had change, she was lovely, I gave her the money back and brought her drink and cake over to her 'thank you deary' she said quietly I patted her in the arm gently and went back to Em, 'you're phone had buzzed love' I went over 2 new messages, first one read, *hey chick really busy today won't be able to make it xx* second message *the lads want an order tho, same as yesterday* what was he like? but he was worth it and I loved him. We still went very busy so I got to their order straight away and put it in a little paper bag 'Em? Am I okay to take these down to the lads?' 'Ooh Ryan!?' I giggled 'yep Ryan and the rest of em' she laughed 'yes love that's fine, it isn't like we are busy' 'thankyouuuu!' I walked out of the shop and down to the lifeguard tower.

When I got there 4 of them were outside and this man was hauling abuse at them as I walked closer, things got heated, then I saw this man had pulled out a knife the lads distanced themselves from him, I stood and watched only a couple of metres away I didn't go any closer, the man shouted 'ill kill myself in front of all these people!' 'Now come on mate think of the kids they won't want to see that' whippet tried to calm him down, Tom and Kobi tried to move in on this man but he thrashed the knife around. whippet slowly walked towards him 'look mate come inside and let us help you' he turned the blade towards Whippet, my heart stopped, I watched as I began to sweat watching. He got close to the man and managed to hold his hand that was holding the blade, I breathed a sigh of relief, I began to walk over slowly when something spooked this man, he lashed out and ran away, Kobi and Tom ran after him, Whippet stood there a while and then dropped to his knees, I watched as he gripped his stomach looking down, blood was seeping through the blue shirt, he collapsed onto his back still holding his stomach, I ran over to him and fell to my knees picking his head up in my arm and applying pressure to the wound, he was twitching and held my hand pressing harder into the wound 'HELP!!' I screamed, we were outside the tower, Chappo ran down 'what wrong!?...shit! GET AN AMBO!' He screamed up in the tower he took over from me holding the wound, my hand covered in blood I turned to Whippet who had gone pasty white, he kept closing his eyes, I cupped his face 'stay with me, Ryan stay with me, we will get you help as soon as possible the ambo is on its way' tears were streaming down my face his eyes kept rolling, 'Ryan!!' I was trying to stay calm but hysteria was beginning to set in, I kept stroking his cheek slapping it softly to wake him up, 'apply prerwvfe' he murmured 'what?' I leant into him 'apply.....pressure' i took off my jacket and gave it to Chappo who covered the wound, blood was everywhere.

Kobi and Tom came back, they didn't catch him but what they were greeted by was far worse than not catching him, 'Whippet!?' They both ran over, they got the first aid kit an began to apply packing to his wound, I focused on whippet who had turned cold and had began to dither, 'I love you' he said breathlessly 'I love you too, we are going to get you through this' I said through tears, he kept shaking his head slowly 'yes you will' I leant over and kissed him softly, he closed his eyes again 'Ryan, Ryan!' He opened his eyes, not much but he was still with me at least, Kobi came over and felt his pulse 'his pulse is weak' he whispered to me I turned round to Whip I held his head to my chest stroking his cheek, he looked up into my eyes, I could see the pain behind them, 'I love you so much' he said, it was broken up but I understood every word 'and I love you' a tear slowly fell down his cheek, and he closed his eyes I felt his grip of my hand loosen. I burst into more tears shaking him softly 'Ryan!! Whip...WAKE up!!' I paused continuing to stroke his cheek 'please'...

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