Chapter Twenty-Eight "The Mare Who Cried Alien"

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Chapter Twenty-Eight "The Mare Who Cried Alien"

Twenty-Five Days Remain

The reign of night was nearly at an end, and the dawn of morning was set to begin. As the sun steadily rose, chasing away the moon and its stars, a few of Ponyville's inhabitants were preparing to start their day, some more willing than others. Twilight stepped out of her home, humming a blissful tune, and Peter lazily followed, yawning with each step he took. Pausing momentarily, she checked her knapsack and simply nodded once, certain everything needed was within.

Peter stopped in his tracks as well, but it was an involuntary reaction as sleep had reestablished its grip over the stallion despite him managing to maintain a standing position on all fours. A soft set of snores escaped from the unicorn. Twilight's ears perked at the sound, prompting the mare to shake her head disapprovingly and let out an exasperated groan. Peter always made the simple task of waking him up a complete chore, but now it seemed he wanted to perfect the art of sleep-standing.

Huffing, Twilight focused her energy into her horn and materialized a glass of ice water out of thin air. She would not stand for it thismorning. The glass teetered over, pouring its cold contents over the stallion's head. Peter sprung to life with a yelp, leaping nearly thirty hoof-lengths in the air in surprise, but the shock quickly wore off, leaving the hapless stallion to sigh desolately once he finally landed back on the ground.

Twilight hopped back in startlement, and a number of ponies on the street glanced up at him curiously, but nopony seemed overly surprised (other than Peter himself, of course). With weekly attacks by ursa minors, ravening dragons, chaotic elder gods, parasprites, and the walking randomness known as Pinkie Pie, nothing seemed to phase the pedestrians these days.

Not wanting to push his luck any further, Peter followed Twilight without so much as a single complaint, although the water in his eyes, mane, and coat made it tempting to try otherwise.

Unfortunately, as a unicorn, Peter was supposed to use magic, and Twilight only wanted to make sure her coltfriend could access it properly. Plus, with Osborn on the way, Spider-Mane would need every advantage he could earn. Shaking his head free of any remnants of sleep and dripping water, Peter smiled before playfully nudging Twilight's side. With a renewed sense of vigor on both of their parts, the pair trotted through the village, making a path for the Everfree Forest.

Once both ponies were at a safe distance, the bush next to the door outside of Twilight's house rustled. Suddenly, Lyra emerged from within its leaves, giggling menacingly as her glossy yellow eyes kept Peter within their line of sight. Ducking back into the bush for a moment, the aquamarine mare hopped from her hiding position with an olive green camouflaged hat on her head.

Her horn glowed, pulling a knapsack from the shrubbery to slide gracefully around her neck. Nodding confidently, Lyra prepared to pursue the specimen of interest, but a soft set of snores reached her ears, causing the mare to snap her head in the direction of the bushes.

"We are on the verge of the greatest discovery in Equestria's history, and you can't stay awake to see it?!" Lyra yelled, pulling the leaves back enough to reveal Octavia, who hadn't even had time to remove her nightgown. The gray-coated mare's eyes fluttered open slowly, only to immediately close again. Lyra shouted again, with more force. "Octavia!"

Seeing no reaction from her friend, Lyra decided to try Twilight's idea and conjured a cup full of water. Octavia's mind snapped back to reality once the ice cold liquid soaked in. She stumbled out of the bush, eventually losing her balance and falling onto her stomach. Shifting her head wildly, Octavia faced Lyra with a look of bewilderment in her violet irises, but the unicorn paid her actions no mind and trotted ahead, determined not to let the specimen escape.

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