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Ella Alonso

The next morning

I woke up a little early, and made sure Emma was still asleep too. Since last night see followed me, I had the erase some of her memory, but she still has her memory til when she followed me.

I tell-transported to Jax's house, to wake him so we could go to surprise Andi, and Jesse before they wake up.

He was asleep in black basketball shorts, and a black muscle tee. I took the time to play a joke on him.

"Jax is asleep, so when he's awoken he'll see his fate, from a far away date. "I casted the future spell.

It makes me hidden, and for him to wake up, and see his future.

He woke up and his surroundings were a different room, with great walls, a huge bed and heard someone walk up the stairs I guess.

She looked like me, but it could be me or Emma, since we're identical twins.

She had a small bump on her stomach, as she gave Jax kisses and curling her face in his neck.

"Good morning Jax, how'd you sleep" She pecked his lips.

"Good morning Ells well, how's my baby " He smiled and kissed my belly.

I nearly fainted.

He got up, and held my hands. As he walked downstairs and saw the breakfast I had made him.

"Babe you didn't have to do this, we we're going out anyways" He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I wanted too, plus I made this by hand not magic." I smiled.

So I was married to Jax, and we had a baby on the way. So I guess I had hope, but whatever happened to Emma?

I undid the spell, and woke Jax up.

He groaned, and turned the other way.

"Jax it's time to get up" I said pushing him facing up, and hovering over him, so he stayed still.

He opened his eyes, and looked at me and smiled.

I did something stupid.

I kissed his lips, but it wasn't long before he kissed back, and sat up with his hands on my hips, and our lips stayed attached.

We slowly pulled part and looked at each other in shock, and excitement. Then fear of Emma.

"Um, Jax we need to get you ready to go to WITs Academy" I got off him, and adjusted my shirt, and gasped at what I saw on my wrist.

A tattoo?

Of the sun and it glowed blue then  purple,and ending with gold.

"I have to ask Agememnon" I mumble, as Jax casted a spell so he was ready.

I grabbed his hand, and we went to WITs Academy.

Jax and I, stood in the Cafeteria as students ate it was a little bit busy.

Jax stood in amazement.

"Jax!? Emma?!"I heard Andi and Jesse say.

"Andi, Jesse "We hugged them both.

Jax got the fact that we should tell them yet, until maybe a little later.

"What are you guys doing here?" Andi asked.

"Um, I'm teaching a class, and Jax is my little helper " I laugh.

"Yeah I'm Emma's helper" he smiled and gripped my hand tight for a moment then held it gently.

"OOH, I can't wait! " Jesse smiled.

"Where's Ben, Luke, and Ethan guys?" I asked as we walked to the main room.

"UM,they're playing a training game in the practice room, wanna us to show you? "Andi, started leading the way.

We walked and saw the three boys in the training room, and Luke stopped what he was doing to kiss Andi's cheek, and give her a hug.

Ethan, and Jesse smiled at each other then magically bringing her a rose.

"SO that's the boy you were talking about with Jesse?" Jax asked, and I sighed.

"Yeah, his name is Ethan, he has a twin sister named Emily, and like oh cappie ton too" I laughed, remembering Jax with his oh cappie ton from when we were kids, he would never let me play with it.

"Ah, so he's not that bad "He winked.

"Jax do you want me to play the video??" I started of my spell and realised my magic is purple when Emma's is bright pink.

So I did it behind my back, and laughed as Jax started casting a spell on me then I point my ring to to him, warning him.

He stopped.

"Your glad you have your ring, or else I would have casted that spell" Jax laughed, kissing my cheek.

"I should get ready for the class we're teaching, it was great to see all of you again, I have to go talk to Aggie" I grab Jax's and walk to his office.

I walk in and see him talking to Cameron.

"CAMERON!" I happy shouted, as he looked at me, running to me and spinning me around, he was my other best friend from 3rd grade.

"Ella, how've you been, you look exactly like the chosen one " He laughs.

" 1. We're Idental Twins 2. We're both the chosen one in a way soo" I laughed to Cameron and gave a hug to Agamemnon.

"Hey I want to ask you about this?" I show him my tattoo that occasionally glows purple and blue, and over lapse in gold.

He gasped, and snapped at Cameron to get something.

He grabbed a tool called the Wagga won, it helps you find the most rarest of things, at least that's what I learned in I trained to be a guardian before I found out I had powers.

"This is a roon, they give you other powers then just your witch powers, this one is blue and purple combined then a over lash of gold, this either means it's a partner power, that you share a great connection with,that's consived blue magic, or it means your in love, and everytime the connection it shared with that person it will glow bright, as that person gains one two" Agamemnon explained, then everything went black.



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