Sober Now

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This is another fanfiction that cut in line. Thanks to the ever-awesome JenniferRauch for the idea and awesome book cover! Let's all giver her a round of applause *clap clap clap* Anyways, back to your main event.... Shortest so far. But it was like 2 pages written, which is not cool. Accursed computers and their neat handwriting DX


Spottedleaf scented the air, there was something unusual there. Firepaw was sitting accross the clearing, oblivous to the danger she was in. Starclan had make her tell him his prophecy, as today would be her last chance. She dug her claws into the earth in attempt to stifle the safety of his warm, fire-colored pelt. Maybe Starclan had thought she would be able to handle the idea of her own death. Maybe they hoped it would make the task ahead of her a little easier. Maybe they thought it would make death itself a little easier...


The pretty she-cat bounded from camp, following the unusual scecnt. It was a warrior's scent. As she drew closer to the source, she could hear the mewling of kits in the nursary. Her heart beat trecherously in her chest, numbering the beats she had left. 'Why, Starclan, did you tell me!?' she cried in her mind. A tom was sitting in the clearing behind the nursary wall, carefully contemplating his next move. She recognized his scarred pelt and matted brown fur- Clawface. She lunged from the bushed, landing between him and the nursary.

"A bit far from home aren't we?" she snarled, fluffing up her pelt.

"Brokenstar sent me on a little hunting trip." the tom purred darky, unsheathing his claws and kneading the earth.

"There's plenty of mice out in the woods."

"I'm afraid fresh-kill isn't the prey i'm hunting today.." He gave a long glace to the nursary over the furious she-cat's shoulder.

"Over my dead body." Spottedleaf snarled.

"With pleasure."

The two cats clashed, their claws and teath tearing at each other's pelt. Spottedleaf was a medicine-cat and was easily outmatched by the oversized warrior. His eyes sparkled as he pinned her to the ground.

"You're very pretty." he purred in her face. "Come back home with me, and maybe I'll spare you. I'm sure we would have beautiful kits." Spottedleaf recoiled, the disgusting tom's breath rank of crowfood and blood. She purred softly, gazing at him with as much shyness and innocence as possable, then spat in his face.

"So be it then," he snarled, recovering his composure. "Say hello to Starclan for me."



I don't know why I called it "Sober Now". I just felt like it fit. Was "Sober" originally but stuuupid Wattpad didn't like the title length >__> Anyways.... I was originally just gunna have him kill her, but where would the fun be in that :P That made it a little more interesting. Short, but i like it. Hope you did too. Later -Glare

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2011 ⏰

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