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* Mackenzie's P.O.V *

I started getting really lonely after a couple of episodes of spongebob and since I couldn't call Shawn I decided to call my friend Anahi and tell her what's going on

"Hey Mackenzie!" "Hey" I said not sounding amused "Whats wrong?" she can always sense what's wrong. "Come over and I'll tell you about it" "okay be there in a few" I hung up and put my phone down. Come on you can make it through a couple more episodes.


I heard a knock on my door and I knew it was Anahi "Come in!", she opened the door and obviously shut it and sat on the couch. "So what's wrong?" she said in a worried tone "I dont know this is the second time Shawn has left" she looked confused "So what are you trying to say?" I sighed "I think he's cheating on me" it broke my heart just by saying that.

"Mackenzie no he loves you way to much to ever do that to you" she said with a smile "Do you really think that?" I said feeling a little bit better. "Yes have you seen the way he looks at you? When it's even raining outside he gives you his jacket when you don't have yours" I smiled like an idiot "Yeah I guess your right" I said feeling relived.

Anahi can always find a way to cheer me up and I like that maybe Shawn really isnt cheating on me, maybe he has meetings? I don't know but whatever he's doing I know it's probably something right.

A/N: No Mackenzie he isnt doing something right lol sorry this is short but I might update today again and yes I'm in the story too. Anyways I at least hope you guys liked this chapter but make sure to vote, byeeeee
- Anahi ❤

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