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* Mackenzie's P.O.V *

I woke up to an empty bed I sighed knowing Shawn left again, I got up to make myself some breakfast. I hear whistling downstairs and got scared cause I thought Shawn left, I'm going to give him the silent treatment.

"Hey beautiful I made you breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes" I grabbed a plate and put three pancakes on my plate and grabbed a cup and put some milk in it and started eating. Shawn soon follwed and started eating to. "So how did you sleep?" I kept eating and drinking some milk once in awhile.

"Hello? Mackenzie?" I took another bite of my pancakes and looked down at the table. "Are you seriously giving me a silent treatment right now?" I picked up my milk and drank it all "C'Mon I made you breakfast" he pouted his lips. I got up and washed my plate then walked back up to my room.

I was going to change but first I went to brush my teeth. Once I was done I went back out and shut the door to the room cause I was going to change but Shawn opened it more so I gave up. "Shawn get out I'm going to change" he smirked "Its not like I haven't seen you in your undergarments, I've even seen you naked" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but look away" I said walking to my closest "I'm not making any promises" I picked out my clothes and slowly got undressed. I quickly got dressed as Shawn walked up behind me "Your so beautiful" I felt slightly uncomfortable but shrugged it off. I went to brush my hair and put in a messy bun.

Once I was done I walked back downstairs with Shawn following me.

* Shawn's P.O.V *

"Where are you going babe?" I said as I saw her put her shoes on "I'm going to Anahi's house" Mackenzie has known Anahi since 3rd grade and there really close. "So your leaving me alone by myself?" she grabbed her bag and the keys and opened the door, she turned around and looked at me "How does it feel?" she then shut the door behind her and I knew she was talking about me leaving her.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch and started watching tv since I had nothing else to do.

* Mackenzie's P.O.V *

I drove to Starbucks were Anahi was waiting for me. I parked and got out and entered, I saw her with her drink and on her phone. I sat down and she looked up. "Did you hear about the girl that they think got kidnapped?" I knew what she was talking about and nodded my head "Yeah it's really scary to be honest" she nodded and took a sip of her drink.

"You dont want anything?" she said handing me cash "No I'm full with pancakes" she nodded. We made small talk until one of the employees turned on the tv that was in our corner of the room .

*News person*

Today is a very sad day for relative's and friends of Rene Brennan. Police found her body yesterday in a abondend park near Starbucks she was taped to a bench and murdered there is no evidence of who the murderer was but please stay safe and pray for the Brennan family. Such a sad today for all.

Me and Anahi looked at each other and noticed that the park wasn't to far away but I didn't feel safe at all.

* Shawn's P.O.V *

I smiled as I saw the news about how they found my victim, I got a message from Mackenzie.

Did you see the news? She did get murdered

Of course I saw the news shit I was the one that murdered her that's MY work and MY effort and I found it funny how they didnt find any evidence of me. Ima keep playing innocent cause this is actually quite fun.

Yes that's very sad

I wasn't sad I was filled with excitment soon enough they'll find the two friends on the park trail. "Stay safe" know ones safe from me well only little kids and Mackenzie.

A/N: Damn Shawn your crazy but anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter and make sure to vote byeeee
- Anahi ❤

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