Classroom Officers do their bests

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Ey wazzup 

Chapter 1:Elected

we elect classroom officers right??with our own votes and nominations?? well then if you are mad of them why did you elect them??.

Seriously it is not easy to be an officer please coordinate with them.It is for our own good.

Chapter 2:Whom to Elect?

Elect people you trust the most that can lead the section towards a brighter future (what teacher wanted).It is not just vote and vote without knowing that the one you are gonna vte is like abusive.Ok some tips on who to elects are

1.Listen to their flatforms

2.Listen to their promises and what will they do

3.The one you belive that can handle all the responsibilities

4.The one you trust which not to tolerate bad doings and that even other officers will be reported if they did something bad

Lastly please elect atleast 2 boy nominees 

Chapter 3: Why to elect atleast 2 boy officers???

Well to answer that..please do not get offended anyone it is that girls moslty tolerate girls and focus on boys because they taught boys sometimes undisiplined and naughty well partly yes on naughtiness :) but one boy will be having a hard time on his job.

As a boy most of us think that we are stronger than girls and we can do almost anything,Thinking that we will be better officers than girls so we do some naughtiness and test them and some boys wait till they are IMPEACHED 

Chapter 4:Respect,Cooperation,and Acceptance

Respect officers cuz it is never easy to be one.

Cooperate cuz it is hard to talk to students if you are just ONE CLASS PRESIDENT,imagine on a ratio of 1:34 isn't it hard to be a class president??

Acceptance: accept officers beacuse they are like destined to be one and learn to lead if possible please give chance to others unless the previous officers were really that good 

Last Chapter:Be Disiplined

Teachers love disiplined people please remember these.Teachers are actively teaching disiplined persons.

Do not please make noise on classes because some people won't understand what the teachers are saying.

This is just Part 1 wait for Part 2 soon to come :))

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