the innocence of youth

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{once she was young}

--and she curled in her favorite tree, silent giggles wracking her frame as her parents combed the forest, shouting "Eve! E-eve!"

Eventually her mother found her. Of course it was her mother, her canny, clever mother, with her herbs and spells. The whole village respected her, so Eve made it her mission in life not to.

"Eve Lilith Zvedzka." She said sternly. "Come down from there right this instant."

Eve draped herself languidly over a branch. "Can't." She called, distracted by leaves dancing before her eyes.

"And why can't you?"

"My skirt is stuck. On a branch." The skirt in question obligingly draped itself over a branch, looping a couple of times for the most realistic effect. Eve nodded approvingly at it. She had some vague notion that magic was not supposed to be easier than breathing, or happen when she least expected it. But Eve Zvedzka was sixteen, and had never cared for doing things the way they were supposed to be done.The older villagers sighed at the sight of her. Eve was a hurricane, a wildfire, a waste of talent, gods save her. She was destined to be the witch of her people, yet still she

"I see." Mother didn't believe her. "And why is your skirt stuck on a branch, Eve?"

"Because Miz Krupin is a wizened old goat whose lessons are boring." Eve said without hesitation. She was not fond of her witchery teacher.

"I see." Mother said again, but this time there was a note of something else in her voice? Amusement? Happiness? "What if I told you that you wouldn't have to go back to your lessons after this?"

"That might help."

"Would it?"

"A little."

"That's what I thought." Mother's smile was as clear in her voice as the scowl had been. "And what if I told you that a new man came to town today?"

Eve sat up so quickly, her head smacked against the tree trunk. Flower petals drifted lazily past her nose, falling like pink snow. "A new man?"

"A scientist. He came from the capital--"

"Ha!" Eve scoffed. "Science is a crutch for weak-willed men 'cause they can't use magic."

"Who told you that, the wizened old goat?" Eve's silence was answer enough, and managed to pull a short laugh out of her mother. "They say he's come looking for the MA. All the girls are to present before him, to see if any are worthy."

This was a strategic move, meant to evoke half-remembered fairy tales and romantic fantasies. There was a long silence as it had its desired effect.

" he a handsome scientist?" Came the voice from the tree. Mother had won.

"The most handsome scientist I have ever seen." Mother joked. There was a brief pause, then Eve let herself slide from the tree. Magic wrapped itself around her, buoying her almost like a flower petal. Her skirts, filthy with sap and dirt, billowed around her bare legs as she alighted gently on the ground. Mother winced.

"Ah, Eve...perhaps you'd like to change?"

"Not on your life, Mother!" Eve smirked. "If he doesn't like me like this, he can go back to his fancy capitol. And if he's all that handsome, well..." Her resolve faded for a moment, as she snuck a shy glance up at her mother. "We'll see."

"That's my evening star." Her mother laughed, gently pulling a twig out of Eve's green locks.

{once she was young}

The Innocence of Youth (an evillious chronicles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now