Road Trip: Part 1

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Chapter One: Road Trip

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Carla asked as Marianna picked up her two suitcases.

"I have to, Carla," she said, putting the suitcases outside in the hallway. She looked into Carla's weeping eyes and embraced her. "Don't worry. It will be alright."

"I will worry, you know," she said. "Reese, honey," she called. "Time to go."

Reese emerged from the bedroom in his jeans, blue Tee shirt and baseball cap. Carla helped him on with his jacket, tears still in her eyes.

"Don't cry, Carla," he said. "Momma and me going on adventure."

Carla smiled through her tears. "I'll still miss you," she said and gave him a hug. "Now, you be a good boy for your momma. Please?"

"I promise," Reese said. He was holding his favorite stuffed animal. It was a little white tiger. He received it for Christmas. Carla had told him it was from Santa Claus, but Marianna always wondered who it was really from. Then running towards his mother, he said, "Momma, where we go?"

"Wherever the wind blows," she said as Reese laughed.

Ty took the luggage outside and set it on the porch. He swiftly took the bag Marianna was carrying in her hand. "Don't worry, I'll put these in the car for you." Reese took her hand, holding on tight.

Ty turned to her, suddenly wearing a sad face. "I wish you would reconsider. It might be dangerous out there."

"Ty, it's dangerous everywhere," Marianna said, trying to reason with him. "Please, understand that I have to do this."

"But with Reese," Ty said with a worried look on his face. "What if something happens?"

"Then it's fate. Ty," Marianna said, and he could tell that she was a little worried, but she was a strong young woman. She had made up her mind to do this, and not even Ty himself, who was best at reasoning with her, couldn't change it." The two embraced, and she looked into the eyes of man who was in her eyes a brother to her and said, "Don't be afraid to live. I did that for many years but no more, and don't worry about me, Ty, or Reese. We'll be fine."

Marianna opened the car door for her son and crawled over to the driver's side. "I drive, Momma. Voom. Voom," he said, playing with the wheel.

"Not for another twelve years, young man," she said, looking sternly at her son. "Now, scoot over."

Reese did as his mother asked as Marianna walked over to the driver's side. Moments after entering the car, the engine sounded signifying her impending departure. She made a promise to Carla that this was not the end, but she wondered if she would be able to keep that promise. Never again would she hide away, ignoring the problems of the world. The division of the Normals and Sadians must come to an end. A dawning had arisen—one that could not be avoided, but how much blood would be spilt through this progression? Marianna feared the worst.

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