Chapter 1

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Jeremy's POV

"Jeremy! If you don't get up you'll be late for school." My mom yelled from downstairs. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the room around me. I looked to my left and saw my older sisters old hand-me-down 'Hello Kitty' alarm clock. In bright red letters read 6:30. I had about fifty minutes to be in class.

"Jeremy! Are you getting up?! You had better be at collage on time! Who do you think pays for that?!" she yelled. I heard her feet heavily pattering up the stairs. She was round and slightly overweight, her weight wasn't noticeable though, like I said, slightly overweight.

"Yeah mom. I know. I'm already up." I sighed. I sat up in my bed and made my way into the bathroom in my room.

"When are you going to get a job and move out?!" she questioned.

"Why are you in such a rush to have me out of here? You'll be all alone if I leave." I yelled back to her.

"I want to move in with my boyfriend. And I think your room is about the right size for another closet." she said. I sighed again as I stripped of my clothes.

"Whatever mom. I'm taking a shower." I said as I turned on the water.

"Okay." she yelled back. When the mirror started fogging up I hopped in the shower. I couldn't stand for the water to be cold. Only when the water was scorching hot would I feel like it was a real satisfying shower. After the shower I did the rest of my morning routines and walked downstairs.

"Son. Make me breakfast." My mom ordered from the couch. I rolled my eyes and started making the preparations for two omelettes. I got out two paper plates so I could save myself the chore of doing the dishes.

"Breakfast is ready." I called.

"Bring it to me." she called back as she flipped through the TV channels. I brought her food over to her and she looked at me confused.

"And where is my orange juice?" she asked as she roughly took the plate.

"In the fridge, waiting for you to get up and pour it yourself. Got to go. Collage." I said before grabbing my backpack and my omelette and running out the door before she could call me back in to fetch her some OJ.

"Bye!" I called before running out the door. I ate on my way to collage and threw out the paper plate in one of the many community trash cans. As soon as I got into my first class I heard all the whispers of excitement.

"Jeremy! Did you hear?!" my friends Anna said rushing up to me.

"No, what's up?" I asked.

"Its the demons! They're ready to start a war over taking over the top side of the planet." she said. My eyes widened. The demons wanted to take over? They where ready to start war?! I mean, I know that us humans haven't had a very good bond with the vampires, werewolves and demons, but I never would have thought an all-out war would start from some slight bickering.

"Are you kidding me?!" I asked. I could feel a headache coming up.

"Would I lie about this? Its all over the news. But there's more. All seventeen of the demon princes are demanding sacrifices in exchange for peace." she said. I smirked.

"There's no way in Hell that America would allow any one person to be a sacrificial pawn. War is definitely assured. I just hope that I won't have to get drafted."

"No war will happen. Every country agreed! All seventeen of the princes will get to chose one sacrifice. It doesn't matter if they all choose from the same country and it doesn't matter who it is. There also isn't an age limit on who they'll choose. It could range from a newborn to your granny." My eyes practically bugged out of my head.

"What?! They actually agreed to that? What happened to our honor as a nation?!" I screeched.

"It dissipated the moment we found out about the existence of these creatures. They lived right under our feet this entire time." she said. I felt the blood drain from my face.

"Hey don't worry. They may be here today but that doesn't mean-"

"THEY'RE HERE TODAY?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I yelled. The others in the class didn't even spare us a glace. All of the girls where busy doing their best to look as ugly as possible. And the guys where trying to look as plain as possible so the princes wouldn't even notice them.

"You didn't let me finish! I mean, yeah this is the first place their coming but its almost 100% impossible for them to choose you. Come on! Think about it. Sure, you're really cute but whats the chance that they'll notice you?" she said trying to assure me. Suddenly the professor rushed in looking distraught.

"Alright everybody, line up. We're heading to the cafeteria." he said. His voice cracked along the way. He looked absolutely petrified. After all who could blame him, apparently he was a possible choice.

"Wait. Its happening now?!" I shrieked. Anna grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the line. I tried to control my breathing so I didn't start hyperventilating. I walked in front of Anna and she was giving me a shoulder massage from behind. Anna was my best friend and she knew, better than anyone else, that I easily got nervous.

"Its okay. There is no reason for them to notice you."

"Why are they even pulling sacrifices?! Why fun is there in killing random people?!" I whisper-yelled.

"They are demons." Anne whispered back as we got to the entrance to the cafeteria. The teacher shushed everyone before opening the door.

"I wish all of us the most of luck." he said before opening the door. All conversations ceased. We walked in and sat down at our seats. There where classes of kids that had arrived in the cafeteria before us.

The demon princes wouldn't choose any one of us. Come on! They have to choose one person out of everyone in the world. That's billions of people to choose from. Why would they choose from here? Not one person is going to be chosen. I'm just being silly. I need to stop being so paranoid.

Anna and I held each others hands and didn't say a word. The entire cafeteria, for once, was dead silent. Nobody wanted to stand out to be chosen, even if the demon princes weren't here yet. Why has it come to this?

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