Chapter 2

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Jeremy's POV

After everyone was packed into the cafeteria I started to calm down. There were at least a couple thousand people in this room at the moment. What was the chance they would notice me? I was so thankful to be in such a big collage. I turned my head over to Anna who didn't look wordied at all. She noticed me looking and turned her head as well. I couldn't help but think that the cafeteria has never, even when nobody is around, been so silent. She nodded as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. I gave a small smile and she smiled back. She grabbed my hand and gave it a good squeeze. I looked around to see all the nervous faces. A lot of people where looking down or fiddling with the zipper on their jackets. Then, the cafeteria doors slammed open and in walked the demon princes. Although, they didn't look like demon... Other than their devilishly good looks. Yes, I already know that it isn't the time for jokes.

Some looked to be about my age while a couple looked like they could be in middle or elementary school. There looked to be at least seventeen of them all together. There was one that caught my eye, and not just because he wore clothes that looked like they came from final fantasy 4. I felt a pull towards him. Suddenly he whipped his head around and our eyes locked. I snapped out of it and turned my head to look at my shoes. I had probably just done the dumbest thing. He saw me. What if he decided to torture me from now on? Anna patted my leg to comfort me but my mind started wondering. I couldn't help but look at him again. When I looked up he was hovering right over me. I almost jumped out of my skin. I made a yelp when I saw him so close. Some people around me started crying quietly while others shivered uncontrollably. I could pee my pants right now.

"He's mine." his voice made me shiver. It was the worst possible moment to be turned on by somebody. The worst. He smirked down at me. He leaned down to my ear and said "We'll have a lot of fun." tears came to my eyes at the idea of the pain I would get in Hell. Why did this have to happen to me? Before I knew it, he picked me up bridal style.

"Let me go!" I found the courage to say. I started struggling but he just gave me this smirk that almost stopped my heart all together. I could have drooled.

"Why would I let go of my bride?" he leaned his forehead against my own. I was rendered unable to process words or movement any more. I'm super gay and this guy is so sexy it should be a crime.

"B-Bride?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Yes my love." he said.

"This is crazy! I'm a man!" I yelled as he started walking me out of the cafeteria. His other brothers followed behind.

"I know that. I can't wait for our first night." he licked his lips. I was able to see his fangs, which only made him sexier. All of this was too much but when I saw the ground split open and a fiery carriage come from it. That was the last straw. I fainted.

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