Hi! My name is Sammy! Everyone calls me Sam. I am 16 yrs old! I am fairly tall with long curly dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I wear nerd glasses but I do not need them. I also wear t shirts, cut off jeans, long, funky socks, tennis shoes, and suspenders. While everyone else is partying, me and my friends are having a homework finishing contest. I love to read and have very neat handwriting.
My friends Molly, Sara, Jack, Rachel, Lisa, Kate, and Justin are all nerds, too!
Molly: Female, Typical 16 year old height with mahogany brown eyes and short brown hair.
Sara: Female, Short has short blonde hair and green eyes.
Jack: Male, tall with brown eyes and dusty brown hair.
Rachel: Female, Short with long dark dyed brown hair and brown eyes.
Lisa: Female, typical 16 year old height, long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Kate: Female, Tall, has dull blue eyes and long brown hair.
Justin: Male, Tallish actually needs his glasses. Has brown hair and green eyes.We all own pets of our own! I own horses, pigs, cats, and dogs... Sara has chickens... Molly has cats and dogs... Jack also owns horses and dogs... Rachel has dogs... Lisa has a horse and a dog and a cat... Kate has chickens and cats... Justin has dogs, cats, horses, and sheep!
We all know how to ride horses and we will go on trail rides, but we do not all own horses. Most of the horses we ride are mine and Jack's. I have a major crush on an other nerd named Jon! He is kinda short and has darkish brown hair with brownish orangish eyes! He is extremely cute!!!
Well, now you know me! Let's get to my story!
The pic on the side is a nerdy quote!!! This is probably my favorite one! Please do not take it seriously! I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings!
They Call me the Nerd{Currently Under Editing}
Novela JuvenilMe a nerd? No! I just don't want to end up working at McDonalds with you! Every wondered what goes on inside a nerd's brain during school? Well Sammy is here to tell you all about it!