6] Your Rainbow

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Chapter Six
|Your Rainbow|

"And that's all for today," Mr Pak, one of our teachers announced to the class before walking out.

I stretched my arms out into the air and leaned back in my seat. It was finally the end of school and no more boring lessons from teachers. I packed all my things into my bag and swung it over my left shoulder. Jimin and Taehyung bid me farewell and I grinned and waved in return. Another shift at Étoile Café that afternoon.

"Jungkook-ssi!" a small voice called out to me from behind.

I turned my head around to see Soomin looking at me with her mouth slightly open. I raised my eyebrows at her and she closed her mouth.

"Could we go to the cafe together?" she said softly.

I chuckled at her getting all shy over that one question. After I pushed my chair in and made sure my table was all neat and tidy, I walked over to her.

I smiled at her, "Sure."

"O-oh thanks," she bowed her head slightly towards me, "Uhm but you would have to wait for me to pack up."

She turned away from me and proceeded to neatly place her belongings into her backpack. I felt myself smiling at the scene of her and I couldn't stop the smile. After a while I looked around the classroom to find all the other students already gone. It was just Soomin and me in the classroom and the fact that it was that way somehow made my heart jump and beat faster.

"I'm done now," her voice was still as quiet as ever.

I snapped back to reality and faced her again. There was a few seconds of silence when we just gazed at each other straight in the eyes and my heart couldn't stop beating louder and quicker. It felt like a long time before I broke off the stare and lead the way out of the classroom. Her footsteps echoed after mine and the atmosphere was still awkward.

"Do you go there everyday after school?" I questioned her, trying to stop the awkwardness that was floating between us.


"I see."

And that conversation escalated quickly. I laughed quietly to myself at how uncomfortable we were around each other.

"Hopefully it'll change," I wondered out loud to myself without realising.

"What will change?" Soomin asked me after catching up to me and walking next to me.

"Huh oh nothing," I replied quickly, "I was thinking out loud to myself hah.. ha ha," and laughed awkwardly by myself.

She chuckled at me before nodding uncertainly, "Okay."

"It's the truth!" I tried to argue in case she thought I was weird.

She just laughed even more and nodded. It wouldn't be surprising if she actually thought I was weird.


The door chime rang loudly as I pushed the door open. Soomin walked in before I closed it.

"Oh Jungkook-ssi!" Jae Sun greeted me with a big smile on his face before turning to look at Soomin, "And Soomin-ssi?"

"Good afternoon Jae Sun-ssi," she politely responded before stepping into the queue.

I walked passed everyone after smiling and half bowing my way to the staff door. I went straight to my locker and got changed in lightning speed. For some reason I was really excited to work today.

"Welcome to Étoile Café. What would you like?" the manager's voice could be heard when I opened the door.

I made my way up to the counter and looked up at the customer, "Welcome to Étoile Café."

Before I could say my next line, the customer already answered.

"One iced coffee and a brown macaroon today please," her voice was sweet and soft.

"Soomin-ssi," I chuckled at her before punching in her order, "We won't be long."

I printed out the receipt and handed it to her without any mistakes. She turned and walked to her usual seating area. I saw her sitting down and unzip her bag to take out a folder of notes. She opened it up before taking out a pen to start her studying. I shook my head in amazement at her before focusing my attention back onto the other people in line.

"Welcome to Étoile Café," I smiled at them.

"What would you like to order?" Jae Sun stepped in for me and asked.

Surprised, all I could do was stare at the manager. After he took down the order he turned to face me.

"Today you'll be learning to serve customers," he told me.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "But I am serving customers."

He gave me a smile before continuing, "No not like this, I meant going around and delivering the food and drinks."

"Ahh," I responded finally understanding what he meant, "Wait, now?"

He nodded before shoving me towards the catering section of the cafe. They passed a tray to me and whisked me off to a direction before I could protest. I glanced down at the number the tray was for before making my way over there.

"Here's your order. Sorry for the wait," I bowed to them after placing the contents onto the table.

"Thank you," came a familiar voice.

I saw the bag that belonged to Soomin on the ground next to the seat out of the corner of my eye. I lifted my head up and saw Soomin sitting there with a hint of amusement on her face.

"Oh hey," I quickly recovered and greeted her.


"Can I sit here?" I motioned to the empty seat in front of her.


I pulled the chair out and sat down across from her. She picked up the macaroon and bit into it before looking at me.

She wore a pleased face, "These macaroons never disappoint me."

I looked at her happy face before sighing. She gave me a questioning look.

"It's just that you don't actually know what colour that macaroon is and.." I trailed off.

"It's alright. I told you, I'm used to it now," She gave me an encouraging grin.

I shook my head in response, "I wish I could show you the colour again, somehow."

She placed the macaroon back onto the plate. I glanced up at her and saw her looking out off the cafe window. Curious, I also turned my head to face the window. There was a pair of friends walking outside under a rainbow umbrella that was shielding them from the sun.

"That umbrella.. it's a beautiful rainbow isn't it?" her eyes continued to follow the umbrella as it traveled down the path.

"Mm," was all I could reply with.

As the umbrella vanished from sight, Soomin turned back towards me before giving me a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Life isn't all rainbows and pretty colours is it?" her voice filled with sadness echoed into my ears.

I stared into her sorrowful eyes and shook my head from left to right.

"Oh yeah, for you all it is," she looked down at her notes and sighed, "But for me it isn't."

"That's not true!" I said loudly with a bit too much force behind it.

A few tables that were around us turned to look at me. I raised a hand up as an apology to them before returning my attention back on Soomin.

"That's not true Soomin," I repeated myself, "Because I'll be your rainbow."

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