Chapter seven:

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~Ten years later~Bennett's point of view~

Its ten years after Rosemarie returned to my pack house and I have to say I am the happiest man to walk the earth. I can't exactly say breathing because that would be untruthful. The truth has come out. About everything...

I understand why Serenity cannot have children, she told me shortly after Rosemarie's arrival. Or rather shall I say I lectured her until she caved and told me why she was infertile. As a child her dad was abusive towards her, his beatings were rough and he was partial towards punching her in the abdomen, this caused her ovaries to damage. And slowly but surely this caused her infertility. Jeremy knows this too, we all do. Rosemarie always did.

I also found out what happened before my wedding. Between Rosemarie and Dimitri. It broke my heart to hear what they had done, but after a thorough apology from both of them and a sincere promise that it would never happen again my trust was rebuilt. The funny thing about trust is that trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to rebuild. I love Rosemarie, I always have and always will. I can deny it forever but it will always be untrue. As she told me, bloody tears pouring down her porcelain cheeks I knew she was sorry about what she had done, and regretful about what she had done.

Believe it or not but if I refused to love her then I'd truly be stupid. Rosemarie is the most infuriating, self centered, controlling and manipulative bitch that I've ever met but she is also the most beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated, mature, elegant and graceful woman I have ever met and I have never loved her more than anyone I have ever known.

Rosemarie was laid in my arms, dozing quietly, her stomach was slowly returning to it's perfectly natural state, smooth and flat. She gave birth yesterday. She promised to be the mother of Serenity's first and only child, much to Serenity's delight the child was female and fully healthy. She is a picture of pure radiance, a beautiful brunette with honey coloured eyes, porcelain skin and rosy pink lips. She looks more like Rose than me. She is the product of me and Rose but we both agreed that five children was enough for us. And yes you heard me right. FIVE!!!

And believe me that was NOT my idea. Let's just say Rosemarie is incredibly persuasive when she wants something and I can hardly deny her anything she desires now can I? Yes we have (in age order): Gabriel, Chyenne, Dean, Anna and Hanson. Gabriel is now sixteen, the oldest age he'll ever get to and still looks like a mini me. Cheyenne is thirteen and two years until she will stop aging she is and always will be the mini me of Rose. Dean is black haired, green eyed and ten years old. By far my little man and a right terror if he gets angry. Anna is a beautiful redhead, with emerald eyes. She is tiny and five years old. Finally my little man Hanson is Anna's twin, he looks exactly like her and he is by far the tiniest kid I've got.

I love them all equally and Rose too. Serenity is like a second mother to them. We are currently awaiting her naming Rose's latest child. Anna comes in wide eyed and bushy tailed. She stifles a yawn before sitting on my lap. "Daddy what is Serenity gonna call her baby girl?" I frowned. "I don't know sweetie" she pursed her lips. "Can I go ask her?" Rosemarie stirred then. Anna stroked Rose's hair behind her ear. "Mommy so you know what Serenity's calling her baby?" Rosemarie grinned, closed her eyes and focused on the pack bond. "Hope" Anna tilted her head to the side. "Aww that's pretty." Rose grinned. "Very, common why don't we get your aunty a bouquet of flowers and congratulate her?" Anna frowned. "Mommy I have a question, if you gave birth to Hope then why is Aunty Serenity going to be her mommy?" Rose gave me a wide eyed scared look. "Umm... Hunny there are certain things in this world that you're not old enough to understand, basically though Aunty Serenity can't have kids of her own so mommy agreed to have a kid for Serenity and let Serenity adopt it" Anna smiled in understanding. "I see. But wont it be odd because Hope looks like you and mommy?" Me and Rose exchanged glances. Rose shrugged. I nodded my understanding of what she was silently telling me. "No not really. Serenity has wanted a kid for awhile now and she didn't care what it looked like or what it took to have one. So when your mommy agreed to be a mother to Serenity's future child Serenity was really happy because it meant she could have the kid she always wanted. Serenity always treated you lot like her kids anyway so she could hardly complain" Anna grinned. "Oh. I never thought of it that way. Thanks daddy. Alright I'm gonna get those flowers now" Rose got up and went into the kitchen with Rose. They grabbed the bouquet and took it to Serenity which resulted in more tears and thank yous. Personally I hate girl drama but I know how it feels to hold your first child. Heck I got two in one go so I really know how it feels to become a parent!!!

I have an eternity to live. With my wife, my kids and my pack and I have to say I can't imagine a better life.


(A/N) So yeah I guess this chapter is short and this whole book has been but this is the end of this book and the Rosetta stone series! Sorry guys! There will be a spin off series and the new series will have chapters from the point of view of either: Anna, Cheyenne, Dean, Gabriel and Hanson. So please do vote for all my stories, comment and follow me! I am always up for reading stories so inbox me if you want me to read yours and if you have a question feel free to ask because I'll be putting them in my book "Frequently Asked Questions".

Love you all, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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