Chapter Five

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Today is the day. The day of Summer's date with Ricky. She has been anxiously waiting, the week passing by long and grueling. She had a day when she thought she was gong to die. Her disability coming full force. The only thing pulling her through was Ricky. Her thoughts of him giving her strength to continue.

She worries about what to wear. She's never been on a date but she's read many books and seen many movies on teenage dating. She gathered that you want to look natural and not trying to hard. She has many outfits strewn about her. One is to formal, another is too party-ish, and yet another looks too casual.

She glances at the time. She only has half an hour left. She closes her eyes, spins around, and picks a random outfit. Her hands landed on the casual one. She hurriedly puts on her comfortable jeans that hug her waist, her blue shirt-that matches Ricky's eyes-and comfortable sneakers.

She looks at herself in the mirror. Her arms are pale and have slight bruising and her hair is tied up in a loose ponytail. She's presentable. She creeps out of her room being extra careful to not be caught. She hasn't told anyone that she was going out today. They would not have approved of her choice of company. Furthermore, it is her eighteenth birthday and the preparations for the party are underway.

She hates her birthday party. She's forced to do this and that, she has to be a host, and act like she's happy. Her birthday isn't usually a good day for her. In the past, her birthday is associated with doctor visits and trying out a "cure" but they never work and end up making her worse than better.

But this year is different. Her parents have given up on finding a cure, although it hurts, she's accepted that she will most likely die before she's lived her life. She has things she wants to do before she dies. Her bucket list. It's not a lot just a little.

She wants to have her first kiss, loose her virginity, fall in love, go to a concert, go to the beach, go to a dance, eat the worst food that's delicious, and save a cat from a tree. Most are stupid but that's what she wants to do before she dies.

She arrives at the bookstore but Ricky's no where in sight. She checks the time, she is right on time. The door chimes and out walks Ricky with a purchase. Relief courses through her body followed by butterflies erupting in her stomach.

"Hope I didn't make you wait long," he said with a bright smile which she reciprocates. She studies his clothing and she's glad she picked this outfit, even if it was by chance. He wears simple jeans that ride low on his waist, a dark red shirt that clings to his torso, and a simple black sweater.

"No, I just arrived." She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears, a habit, and shifts her feet.

"Okay, let's go." He takes her hand and leads her to wherever he's going. He looks rather strong yet he holds her hand with such care. They arrive at a park which is empty. She's never been to one, it's hard to believe, but it's the truth. Her father was worried that with her weak immune system she would get even more sickly being with children. They stop at the swings and they both take a seat.

Ricky hands her the bag and she takes it. "What's this for?" She takes out a book and reads the title. It's the one she was looking at yesterday. He bought it for her. Inside she melts for him. "Thank you."

"No problem." He turns to hid his face but not before she saw him blush. She fills giddy knowing she caused that reaction from him. Summer, from the corner of her eye, longingly gazes at the playground. Ricky notices her looks. "Do you wanna play?" he said, motioning to the playground with a tilt of his head.

" I never had the chance when I was young."

"Then, let's play." He, once again, takes hold of her hand, and drags her to the playground. He drops her hand, and climbs up the rock wall that leads to the largest slide. She follows.

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