Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 "He tweeted back." Mia said, bringing her hand up to her mouth.

"That's not funny." I rolled my eyes, it wouldn't surprise me if this was a prank, she loves pranks.

"Kenzi I'm not lying. He freaking tweeted you back." She said, looking me dead in the eye. She got up off my bed and brought my laptop over.

 Once she sat down next to me and showed me the screen I was expecting there to be a blank screen, and then Mia would laugh and we'd move on. But I was not expecting there to be a tweet, from Ashton Irwin, addressed to me.

'Aw, why can't you? '

"Oh my god." I brought my hand up to my mouth. Ashton freaking Irwin tweeted to me. Me, out of all of his fans. Holy mother of unicorn.

 I quickly grabbed my laptop from Mia and quickly typed up a response.

' Can't afford it :( '

 Almost right after I tweeted that, he responded.

 ' Well we'll have to do something about that. '

 Right after he tweeted that I got a notification. Ashton Irwin direct messaged me on Instagram.


 I'm not an obsessed fan girl but come on, anyone would be freaking out if a celebrity tweeted and DMed them.

 I opened up the DM.

Ashton- Hey

Kenzi- hi

Ashton- You said you can't afford a ticket?

Kenzi- Yeah...

Ashton- That sucks. I hope you'll be able to afford one soon, we won't be in Cali to long

Kenzi- Yeah me to, it kinda sucks that you guys won't be here for very long.

Ashton- Ya

Kenzi- How long are you guys here for anyways??

Ashton- We're staying in Cali for about a month and a half. We're coming to Cali in May 

Ashton- I just realized that May is next month

Kenzi- lmao

Kenzi- Well maybe I'll have money then. 

Ashton- Hopefully

 "Oh my god this is not happening." Mia said, still shocked.

"I know, its insane!" I agreed, looking back at my computer to see what he said.

Ashton- I have a question

"A question?" Mia quirked an eyebrow. I shrugged and started typing.

Kenzi- Yes??

Ashton- What do you look like? You don't have any pictures of yourself on here or twitter

Kenzi- I don't have any pictures of myself on here because this is my singing account, but I don't show my face

Ashton- Is that why you have 10.2k followers?

Kenzi- Yeah, I've had this account for 5 years

Ashton- wow

Kenzi- Yeah its pretty crazy, I never thought I was good...

Ashton- I listened to a couple of your videos, you're really good

Kenzi- Not really but thx

Ashton- You are

Kenzi= Ok ok sureeeee

Ashton- You areeeee

Kenzi- Whatever you say Irwin

Ashton- Whats your last name?

Kenzi- Ryder

Ashton- Kenzi Ryder

Ashton- I like that name

"Awh, he likes your name." Mia gushed. I blushed and looked down at the keyboard, embarrassed.

Kenzi- Ashton Irwin

Kenzi- Has a better ring to it

Ashton- Kenzi Ryder

Ashton- It's unique that's what I like about

Kenzi- Stopppppppp

Ashton- What

Kenzi- This is embarrassing

Kenzi- Idek

Ashton- haha, well I'm going to bed its late here

Ashton- Goodnight Kenzi Ryder

Kenzi- Goodnight Ashton Irwin

"I still can't believe this." I sighed, setting my laptop down. I looked over at Mia's grinning face and soon enough I started to grin with her.

"We're talking to Ashton Irwin, we're talking to Ashton Irwin-" We started chanting, getting up and jumping around the room like total maniacs.

 I cackled as Mia slipped and fell face first onto my bed. She started laughing with her face still pressed against my mattress. I burst out laughing when she started coughing from laughing to hard.

"Why are we still laughing?!" Mia tried to stop her breathing, but only failed and started laughing some more, and I joined her making us sound like dying whales.

"I don't know." I wiped a tear as we kept dying.

 Yup. We're amazing.

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