•Chapter Ten•

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-AraBella Reese Kennedy-

"God! That was some work!" I breathed plopping down onto Mr. Obnoxious' bed.

"Tell me about it!" He huffed.

"What are you complaining about? All you did was watch and eat chips!" I said, slapping his chest softly.

"Putting the chips in my mouth takes alor of energy, Ara." He said, he finally used my name. I like it way better than Ms. Smartass.

"Sure Alex." I said, okay, that was weird. I'm going to stick to calling him Mr. Obnoxious.

"Hey! You finally called me Alex." He laughed, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes, But I like to call you Mr. Obnoxious instead." I say.

"Whatever. Lets watch a movie!" He said getting up and popping a moive into the dvd player.

"What did you pick out?" I said, I hoped to God it wasn't scary.

"The Ring." He said, smirking at me.

"Are you kidding me!?' I said.

"You know i'm going to be in your lap this whole movie! One time I got a voicemail on my phone and it sounded just like The Ring. I swear it did. and in the end I swear it sounded like someone whispered my name." It freaked me out, and at 4 a.m. in the morning, anyone would be freaked out by that! (By the way guys, that actually did happen to me! Someone left me a voicemail at 4 in the morning sounding just like The Ring, it was scary as hell. O_o)

Mr. Obnoxious just laughed, like it was a funny thing!

"That was anything but funny." I said as the beginning of the movie began to play. To make matters worse, it was pitch black in his room.

"Scared?" He taunted.

"Psshh, no!" I said, moving my hair from my face.

"Yeah right." He laughed, pulling me into his chest. Gosh he smelt so good!

"You smell good." I said, burying my head into his chest.

"You taste good." He winked, closing his mouth in with mine. I pulled my fingers through his hair, pulling back slightly. But he pulled me right back in, separating from my lips for only a second to place kisses down my jaw. I pulled him back up to my lips, I hated the feeling of him not kissing me. Now that I have him, I can't get enough. He smiled into the kiss. The sparks were definitely there.

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