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-AraBella Reese Kennedy-

I watched as my babygirl took her first steps, to only be 10 months, She was sure a fast learner.

"Come to mommy, River." I say, outstretching my arms. Alex and I are engaged to be married. You can only imagine my excitement!

My cancer never returned, thank God for that. I thank him each and everyday for giving me the chance to see and love my Daughter. She was the best thing to ever happen to me.

'Hey, Ms. Smartass." Picking River up, I turned around to see Mr. Obnoxious smirking at me. Alex had gotten his old job back as a teacher, due to them needing someone and Alex was the only person they could get to do it.

"Hello, Mr. Obnoxious." I laugh, pecking his lips.

"Damn, that never gets old," he laughed, taking River from me.

"You missed it! River just walked to me!" I say, pecking my little girl on the cheek.

"Are you serious?" Alexs' eyes grew wide, looking at me in amusement.

"I'm as serious as a tornado. Here, let me show you."

He put River down as I outstrecthed my arms again.

"Come on, River. Walk to mommy." She stuck her little finger in her mouth, giggling at me.

She put one foot infront of the other, walking towards me. When she finally made it to me, she fell into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around.

"See?" I say to mr. Obnoxious, who was starting dinner.

He grabbed her from my hands, as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"You know, its amazing how far we've come." I say, and to think I met him while I was just roaming down the streets. I still remember it clearly.

"You're still that same arrogant asshole I met two years ago." I laugh, pulling my hair back into a messy bun.

"And you're still that same smartaass who doesn't give a crap about anything." He retorted. I smiled up at him, thinking about how our future would be.

Secretly Done, Secretly Loved Student/Teacher Relationship COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now