Chapter Twenty- What Is Wrong With You!?-

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I zoned out as Mr. Obnoxious was going on and one about how to use Proper language. I mean, we're Seniors in high school, I believe we know how to talk right!

"Is there a promblem, Ara?" My gaze shot up to Mr. Obnoxious.

"Not at all, Mr. Obnoxious." I smirk, pulling my  feet up to his desk.

"You sure?" I nodded, feeling it come on, once again.

I bolted from my seat, not looking back at Alex. I knew he was worried about me, but he couldn't know about this. 

I began to cough as my lungs began to ache. I looked at my pale appearnce in the mirror, wondering howgot stuck with this.

I had to stop smoking because of this. I had to stop a lot of things because of this.

Suddenly, My hair was pulled back from my face, as the blood poured out of my mouth.

"AraBella, What in the hell is wrong with you?"

I looked up, my eyes meeting with Mr. Obnoxious' hazel ones.

"I can ask you the same thing." I retort, I could not tell him.

"Ara, Nows not the time to be a smartass. Now tell me."

Before I had the chance to answer, the world around be became black.



I caight Ara in my arms. I didn't know what the heck was wrong with her, but I was worried.

I honestly didn't care who seen us, all that mattered right now was Ara's health.

She was stubborn, and wonuldn't listen to anything.. Kind of like me.

"Where are you going, Mr. Reid?" I looked behind me, to find Mr. Wilder.

"Ms. Kennedy here passed out, and i'm taking her to the hospital."

"I'm afraid you can't do that." What the hell? If my girlfriend was in danger I was going to take her there wheater or not he liked it!

"I think I can when my girlfriends about to fucking die!" I say, hearing a few gasps.

I bolted out the door before anyone could say anything. I was pretty sure I was going to be fired. But oh, well. I had better things to worry about and that was Ara.

I laid her gently in the backseat and sped off to the hospital.

I carried her though the door, the nurse offering me a stretcher immediaetly. I watched as they laid her fragile body down, her eyes fluttering open.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know. She began coughing up blood and then passed out." The doctors gave me a worried look, brining her to a room.

"Sir, you can't come back unless you're family." What the hell? I'm gonna go back there wheather or not they like it!

I tried to push through them, but only got pushed back.

"I have to come back there! Thats my girlfriend for crying out loud!" The nurse ignored me. I sat down in the uncomfortable hospital seat, cursing the nurse.

If I knew one thing, I knew that I was not going to let anything happen to her, I couldn't let anything happen to her.

And thats when I felt a tear slide down my face.


Dude, I cried while writing this!!! D:

And Mr. Obnoxious must have some really deep feelings for Ara if he's crying over her.

What do you think Ara has?

Do you think Alex will be able ot handel the news hes about to recieve?

Will Ara survive?

COMMENT below and tell me what you think!!

Don't foreget to leave FEEDBACK. Its mucho appreciated. :D

and also, FAN/VOTE/Comment!

-Katie. <3

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