The statue himself

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Chapter 2

Stephano's POV

I impatiently wait for Pewdie to stop looking through books. "Pewdie c'mon we gotta go find the exit." I say. He just keeps throwing books like the idiot he is. I face palm myself and sit on a chair.(I hope this isn't Mr.Chair because that would just be awkward) I think to myself. "Alright Stephano, lets go this room is useless." Pewdie says. Then we walk out only go see the bro down the hall. "Son of a penis!" Pewdie says. A little too loud too because now the bro sees us. "Idiot! I told you not to make noises!" I scream. "RUN!" We bolt and I see a room with a door. "Pewdie go in there!" I say. He does without a second thought. I lock the door. I turn around holding my sword facing the bro. Then it poofs away. "Are you fucking kidding me?!?!" I ask myself."Pewdie stay in there til I check it's safe." I don't hear an answer so I prefer to say that he is saying ok. I walk around a little looking for anymore enemies. (Strange, there is usually more monsters around.) I think. Then I hear a blood churning scream. It's a scream for help. I start to run towards it as it gets louder and louder. Then I see a door where the noise is coming from. It stops. I start to hear crying and draw my sword. Just in case its a trap. I try the handle but it's locked. In the room there is a lantern barely lit and someone on a mattress crying. "Hello?" I ask. The person sits ups straight quickly and turns their head towards me. I now notice they are in a cage. "Are you okay?" I ask. The person stands up revealing a woman. She has long blond hair, Black glasses, random colored clothes, and a pretty face. She looks of the age of 24. She comes up to the door. "Please help me.." she pleads. "Don't worry milady, I will get you out" I said drawing back my sword to break the door open.

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