Allos I am Stephano

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Chapter 3

As the man I just met tries to break down the door I study him. I can't really see a lot in this room. Then I hear a crash. He has broken down the door. He walks in and goes to the cage door. "It needs a key." he says. I look around. Something is shimmering on the table in the hallway. "Hey there's a key in the hallway I think." I say to the man. Now I see he really isn't a man. He's like a golden man. He wearing a golden turban and has beautiful golden eyes. He leaves the room to look and comes back with a key in his hand. "Good eyes." he says. He unlocks the door. Without thinking clearly, I hug him. Then I realize what I just did and let go. "Sorry.. I'm just really glad to be out of there." I explain. He asks me "How did you get in there in the first place?" I explain that I don't know and that I just woke up here. "Well then allow me to introduce myself. I am Stephano." he says. I smile and ask "Wait are the Stephano? Pewdipie's companion in Amnesia?" he asnwers with this sentence "Allos I am Stephano." I grin really big. Stephano is like the hottest guy EVER! And here I am meeting him.(Act normal. Don't freak out.) I say "My name is Nicole. But you

can call me Nikki." Stephano then grabs my wrist and says "Well Nikki, let's get you outta here. Then maybe we ca-" he was cut off by a man running into him. "Oof!" they both said. "STEPHANO!" the man said. The man hugged Stephano and then said again "STEPHANO!" Stephano then pried the grip from the man and said "I wasn't gone that long Pewdie. Now let me go!" Pewdie let go and then looked at me. My face filled with a smile. "Pewdie? As in Pewdiepie?!?! THE PEWDIEPIE?!?!?OMG!" I started jumping around screaming with joy like a five year old. Pewdiepie said "Hey! At least someone here appreciates me." then he smirked at Stephano. Pewdiepie come up to my jumping body and said "You know who I am?" I looked at him. " Duh, I mean who wouldn't know you. You are Pewdipie! The most awesome YouTube ever!" Pewdiepie laughed. Then he asks me "Are you a Bro?" I smile evn more. I put my hand up in the air and make it into a fist. Pewdipie does the same thing. Then we Brofisted.

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