Chapter 18 Part 1

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I sat looking at Steve. I gave him a sedative to sleep. I needed time, we both did. Steve, well I heard one of the guards say he'd been locked up here for 5 years. Well that's when I got here. It's been almost 2 years since my arrival and the guards have me tend to Steve. Every once in awhile I get the chance to go out side and take Steve with me. I We're in the center of a building and to be honest I don't think it's real sun light.

When Steve sleeps I read momm his letters. Each one brings me to tears. I read through the first three and a half years, but then the letters grew less frequent. Now they are once a week if Steve is lucky enough to have strength to write. He's a tough SOB and I admire his love for a man I've never met. Steve, well he told me about this Tony Stark and where he would live and drew a small sketch of the building. I managed to get the letter there. I cant tell Steve that I have powers. I love him to much to put him at risk. I'm going to do everything I can to save him. After all, he's the reason I'm alive.

I started to pack the letters back into the boxes Steve had been given when I heard a noise from outside his cell. The guard watching us turned to me and said, "stay here and protect him." I nodded and watched as he walked into the hall way and was instantly blown away from some blast. I got up from where I was sitting and took a fighting stance. I used my gifts to place a shield in the doorway and around steve. Within seconds a man with a metal arm came walking toward me, "Raleigh!?" He placed his gun back in its holster then took off his mask, "its me, its winter. I can't believe you're alive," I let the shield in the doorway down but not the one around steve, "winter!" I hugged him tight, "how did you find me?" He pulled away, "you called me through your dreams. Through our connection. You told me where you were and I did the rest in finding this cell block. Come on. Let's get you out of here." I shook my head, "he needs help. Winter he is my friend. I'm not leaving here without him," winter walked toward Steve and stopped in his tracks, "what's wrong?" Winter turned his head to me, "I knew him." Winter picked up Steve then said, "I can't carry him and get you out. You need to use your gifts to fight. He's the only one that matters." I nodded then Winter and I started to leave.

Hours later I found myself with Winter and Steve in the middle Avengers Tower. Winter placed Steve on the couch, "he's safe. Now we need to leave. Stark will finish this," and just as Winter finished saying that out walked Mr. Stark in his armor. I took a step toward Mr. Stark, "Don't shoot." Mr. Stark said, "give me one good reason." I said, "because we found Steve. We brought him here. He's weak and needs medicine. I can help him, but I need morphine and other medications. He's on the couch, " Mr. Stark got out of the armor and took a step towards me, "really?" I nodded, "we were trapped there for 2 years together. He was there longer than me. 5 years longer. The people who held us captive did horrible things to him. He is weak and if you let me... If you let me id like to take care of him. He saved my life, so please allow me the opportunity to save his." I let tony walk to Steve. He got down on his knees and place a kiss on Steve's cheek. This thankfully woke Steve up, "tony? You finally found me ," Steve smiled. "I planned to ask you at the hotel but then I lost you. Now I get my second chance, so here goes nothing. Steve Rogers will you marry me?" Steve said yes the smiled as tony took the ring off his neck and placed it on Steve's finger. The two drifted off into their own little world and it made me smile. When I saw winter walk to the balcony I followed, "winter wait!" He didn't stop so I yelled, "Dad!" He stopped in his tracks. I walked up to him and rapped my arms around him, "I know how hard this is for you. I turned winter to face me, "I lost him too. You're not alone. You never will be. He doesn't know me, and will keep it that way like you want." I smiled at him, "winter we all made sacrifices that day. We all made mistakes." Winter cut me off, "going after you wasn't a mistake. I'd do it, all of it, all over agin. I love you sweetheart and I'm never going to let anything happen to you." I was about to respond when I heard Tony. I turned to him as he said, "how can you help him?" I said, "I'd have to do it from the inside. I get stronger while he gets better and everyone wins. This is the only way I can do this and have him on his feet and back to normal in months instead of years. Mr. Stark all I want is the best for him and right now my option is the best." Tony nodded, "will he have control?" I nodded, "i will step in if his life is threatened. Other than that I will be, well in a sense comatose. No funny business. I'm not here to trick you. I gave you his options. Now the choice is yours."

Tony asked, "why?" Winter said, "because you're the love of his life now," Winter walked over to Steve and smiled, "he was a scrawny little thing when we first met. At one point in my life I stood where you stand now. I fell in love with him back then. I'm happy he found you Stark." Tony walked over to Winter, "you're him. You're Bucky." Winter nodded and laughed, "I haven't gone by that name in 75 years, but ya. It's me." Tony wrapped his arms around Winter then said thanks. My dad smiled then said, "it's your turn to take care of him. I can't anymore. Not now. I won't stand in his way of being happy with you. 75 plus years of ever wanting to meet you. Steve told me about you. About how he got a letter one day and how you were that person. He wanted me to meet you. For us to be friends..." Winter looked at Steve, "I've done terrible, horrible things. He's better off thinking I'm dead. Let the memory of his best friend remain that, a memory. He doesn't need to look over his shoulder anymore. Tony, he's been looking for you for 75 years. Don't be the man I see on the news every morning. You're better than that, I know you are. I've seen that side. I saw that side just now when you asked him to marry you. Don't disappoint me because I will kill you if you hurt him. Understand?"  Tony nodded his head then smiled at me, "you never told me your relation. I don't even think I caught your name." Winter spoke, "this is Raleigh Buchanan Barnes. She's my," winter looked to Steve, "our..." I spoke up, "in 1943 Steve and the howling commandos broke into a hydra base. I was being kept there. Being experimented on. Steve found me and got me out of there. I was in so much pain I passed out and when I woke up I was in a medical tent hand cuffed. Steve, Winter, and Colonel Philips were talking. After listening I heard Steve say he and Winter would look after me.  We eventually found our way onto that train. I was caught in a blast. I fell. Winter got lucky and was able to hang onto the train railing. But as the story goes he fell to. I managed to find Winter. I stabilized the bleeding and healed everything I could. When the Russians found us I got scared. It was the first time I had been scared. The man who adopted me was dying and I couldn't do anything. Eventually time went on and the winter soldier was born. Hydra used the two of us. Do you remember the woman who shot JFK's brother. That was me. 18 men died that day even though the only reported on one. Mr. Stark, Steve is my father and I need to help him." Tony looked at me confused, "you still look so young." I smiled, "I'm 89, or at least I should be. The experiments they did to me stopped me from aging. I'm still, physically 18. I don't know why and I stopped caring after I found out I had powers. Now, can I have a moment to say good bye to my dad?" Tony nodded then winter walked up to me and led me out to the balcony, "I don't like this." I placed my hand on winters face, "Winter don't worry. You raised me to be a fighter. You and Steve saved my life. It's my turn to repay the favor. Daddy, I'm going to be ok. There's nothing to worry about. Soon as I'm done we can run to that island you were taking about. I'd like to have a childhood. To grow up normal. Attend school. Maybe kiss a boy," winter smiled, "promise me we can still do that?" Winter nodded, "sweet heart when we're finished here you and I can go anywhere you want." I felt winter pull me into his arms. He kissed the top of my head, "Raleigh, I love you. Stay safe and when this is finished I'll come find you." I smiled and hugged him a little tighter. I took a step back and watched as tears fell from his eyes. In seconds Winter was in our apartment building back in Brooklyn. We both knew that even in the best possible conditions I wouldn't be coming back whole.

I went to Steve and sat down in front of him, "Tony, he's going to scream and you need to let him. He is going from scrawny to super soldier in a matter of minutes. The rest of the healing starts when I'm finished."

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