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"So killing Klaus bad?"

Faye stared at Damon with an annoyed look on her face. She stood in the parlor room of the boarding house where Damon was lounging on the couch. After learning the news of Lacey definitely being Klaus' bloodline, she had to make sure to tell the Salvatores to shut down any plan they had to kill Klaus. Faye decided to give the message before she went to help set up the dance with Caroline and Elena.

"Yes, Damon." She said through her teeth, "Stop treating this like a joke. If you kill Klaus you also kill my aunt, my boyfriend, and possibly the entire vampire population in Mystic Falls."

"Stop getting mean." Damon told her, tossing a pillow in her direction. She caught it and glared at him, "Ugh, fine. I promise we won't touch Klaus in any way that will bring his inevitable death."

"Good." The hybrid responded before moving over to plop down on the couch next to them, "How was yesterday? Find out anything?"

"Nothing except Kol Mikaelson is a prick." The raven haired vampire answered, "Killed our lead to finding out who is our Original. But something good did come out of that day."

Faye canted her head to the side, telling him silently to go on since she was now interested.

"I made out with Elena."

Faye choked on air, her eyes bulging from her head. When she calmed down she looked over at Damon and asked him in almost a whisper, "You made out with Elena?" Damon nodded with a proud grin on his face, "You slut!"

"I'm a slut?" He asked with mock hurt, "Faye, I hear you're doing two guys now. Klaus and Tyler? Tsk tsk."

Faye took the pillow she had and slammed it into his face, causing Damon to let out a laugh. She rolled her eyes at him before turning back to the main subject of their chat.

"What about this kiss? Like how did it happen?" Faye began to question him.

"I don't know. She just kissed me and then suddenly we were making out against the ice machine." Damon explained to her, "Then Jeremy interrupted and we stopped. It wasn't anything though. Elena was just using it to figure out if she had feelings for me or not. The whole trip was used for that."

His bitter tone made Faye sigh, "Let me guess, you fought about it?"

"Of course." He replied, "She was waiting for me to screw things up so she could hate me, but this time I'm going to make her figure it out herself."

"Proud to hear it, Damon. No more being used by doppelgangers for you." She clapped his shoulder with a tiny smirk on her face, "So, she's going to figure out an answer and I guess chose a Salvatore?"

"That is what I'm guessing."

Faye place her hand on his knee with a soft smile on her face, "Well, whoever she chooses I will support you either way. Same for Stefan. You two aren't going to fall apart because of some girl on my watch."

"Has anyone told you that you're the best person in the world?" Damon quirked his eyebrow at her.

Faye flipped her hair off her shoulder with a smug expression on her face, "A couple of times." Damon chuckled at her before she spoke again, "You know what, where's Ric? I thought he would be here drinking with you, talking about how his life has gone down hill."

"He left town to go on a spirit quest." Damon said, obviously in disbelief by it.

"But that is the worst thing to do. What if he blacks out and kills someone in a different place? We won't be there to stop him or cover it up." The panic began rising in Faye as she spoke of Alaric, "This is not good."

FOR THE HEART OF A WOLF [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Where stories live. Discover now