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chapter sixty one

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chapter sixty one

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  Faye Daniels was quite sure, at that point in time, her life couldn't get much better. While she could imagine it blossoming in to something much more beautiful and happy, her track record told her to not hope for much more. Elijah was back home, Klaus and her were possibly getting somewhere, and she was steaming a dress for prom that was in an hour. Maybe Elijah and Lacey were still on the outs and the apocalypse was upon them, but she was steaming her dress for prom! Her life really wasn't going to get much better.

  "I think this a bad time to confess that I really don't know what I'm doing," Faye confessed through a coughing fit. Steam hit her hard and she couldn't quite breathe as well as usually.

  "It's just steaming, Faye," Lacey told her, taking the steamer away from her. She pressed it up against the fabric of the dress and pressed the button. Steam flowed out with ease as Lacey moved the device downward, smoothing out ever wrinkle. "Just point the steam at the dress until it's all smooth."

  "Until the steam flies back and I die," Faye muttered before standing up from the crouch she had been in. She pushed the hair that had fallen out of her curlers behind her ear. 

  Lacey rolled her eyes. "You're an immortal hybrid. Steam isn't going to harm you."

  "I have very strong senses, okay? It's gonna mess up my sinuses."

  Another eye roll. Lacey continued to steam the dress without an issue. "I'll just finish it up so you can stop complaining."

  A gracious smile appeared on Faye's face and she took a step back towards her bed. When she felt the back of her knees his the side, she plopped down and pulled her feet up off the floor.

  "So, prom?" Lacey started up a conversation. "You excited?"

  "I am," Faye admitted, fiddling with her hands. "It's prom. I've been looking forward to this for awhile."

  "I feel like there's a but coming."

  There was. The defeated sigh she let out was heavy. "I don't know..." She trailed off, shrugging. "The idea of prom I look forward to isn't really what's going to happen." Faye gestured towards her dress that Lacey was working on, the one she had chosen months ago. "I chose that when I still with Tyler."

  And that was what she thought prom was going to be for her; Tyler. They were supposed to attend together, the idea having been implanted in Faye's mind the second senior year began. She was going to wear that dress and he wouldn't have to match the color of it with his tux. Tyler would get her corsage and she would save it even after it had wilted. They would arrive in a limo and have their photo taken at the front entrance. That photo would've been in the year book. Then they were going to dance, enjoying their last high school dance together. 

FOR THE HEART OF A WOLF [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Where stories live. Discover now