Get A Clue

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Chapter 5: Get A Clue

Red and blue lit accross our faces as we spoke to one another. It had become night, starry, slightly breezy, and beautiful, despite the course of unfortunate events that had brought us to this moment. We were leaning against a squad car and Zoey and I stood under the moss colored blanket that the ambulence had brought us. Sadie however, refused, claiming that we 'didn't  know where they could've been' and so he held on to hers as she spoke tiredly.

"Do you think they're done questioning us?" She asked, guesturing to the swarm of squad cars and policemen that took up the whole front lot of the warehouse. I shrugged.

"I'm just glad we're out of there." Zoey said sighing. I mumbled in agreement.

"Tori, it's alright. We're fine, and the bad guy is gone."  Sadie told me softly. I looked up into her clear blue eyes.

"I know. I'm fine." I lied as Zoey rose an eyebrow. Sadie cleared her throat suddenly.

"This is why I like being a part of things like this." She leaned in to whisper. Zoey stared at her, puzzled. But I knew Sadie better than that. I followed her stare to see that she watched a figure that seemed to grow closer. It was a younger man dressed in a pair of jeans,and a tweed jacket atop a striped navy blue shirt. When he saw we were looking, he gave a nod and then pulled out something from his pocket. I was the first to turn back.

"I do have to say, he is quite good looking." Zoey muttered, turning back.

"Mmmmhmm." Sadie agreed grinning, but her grin faltered as she read the expression on my face.

"How about you Tori?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Who cares, he's probably just another cop coming to question us some more." I finished as the man stopped in front of us. Sure enough, there was  was a notepad and pen in his hand.

"Hello ladies. I'm Special Agent Jack Connely." He began.

"I realize it's been a long day, but if you could just bear with me, I have a few more questions to ask." He said smiling warmly.

"How did you know that?" Sadie muttered to me underbreath. I pointed past his jacket, to a large golden badge that hung off the rim of his jeans.

"Special agent?" Zoey asked instead.

"Yes. I'm here with the FBI. We have jurisdiction over this operation." I looked up quickly, he had my attention.

"Operation? You mean to tell me, you knew about this drug house?" I asked. Connely nodded. I lapsed back into silence, deep in thought. He conversed further with Sadie and Zoey, starting with introductions. He asked them various questions about descriptions, details, and information regarding the warehouse. Occasionally, he would scribble something onto his notepad importantly, and then look back up, attentively listening. Sadie answered most of the questions that were directed to me, and I was silently thankful. When Zoey had recounted her story of knocking out one of the thugs with a crowbar, he wrote something else down and shook his head, grinning. But his expression became serious.

"Now, which one of you fired the weapon?" He asked even though I knew he had an idea. 

"Me." I said quietly. Sadie had opened her mouth, to answer, but closed it quickly. She stared at me, surprised. I assured her I was fine with a quick nod. Connely watched closely.

"And you are Ms. Brands?" He asked reffering to his notes.

"Yes." I answered eyeing his notepad. He stared at me for a moment and then closed the flap of the pad and clicked off the pen. He stowed both of them away into his jacket pocket and focused his attention back to me. I held his stare as he studied me with his intense blue eyes. Without looking away, he addressed Zoey and Sadie.

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