Who Am I?

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I woke up in Daniel's car tied up while covered in dried blood with two other men around me. One with a straight face, while the other looked at me with a smirk, which cause me to scream causing the mam with the straight face to look at me with a smirk. I was stuck in the middle but I looked through the wet front mirror and noticed lighten hit the earth floor leading towards the asylum.
We got to the asylum and they carried me in while Daniel carried papers in his hands that were getting wet. We walked into the asylum that was dull and dirty.
"Aye Doc, we got our new patient coming." A slutty nurse said as she smacked on her gum, with her eyeliner smeared under her eyelid and her crazy wavy hair.
"Oh so your the new patient. I see Ms.Lexis Worth...." She stated as I cut her off
"That not my name its Lexis Savage!" I yelled while kicking and shaking the wet dried up blood onto everyone and everything in the room.
"Well you little bitch it say WORTH, so be proud to be called one!" She shouted as she smacked me, then looked down at my papers as it read...
"She killed her father, threatened her mother, then killed her by poisoning her, then shot her sister dead, and kill 26 men with sexually and with a gun." As she bent down in front of me, shaking the evidence bags full of the gun, the poison, and gloves cover in blood, and photos of everyone death which was heartbroken to see. The ones I loved laying there... Life less even those I never caused their death...
He Did...
"Good luck BabyGirl." He said with a smirk, I spat in his face with a smirk on mine as they dragged me away to my dark cold room.
The room had one light that expose a dusty cot bed, and a bathroom with one light as well with a half clean sank and tub, with barley a toilet there. Also a closet with no clothes that seem to be in it yet... After 20 minutes of being in the room my door was unlocked two big men came and they cuffed me as we walked down a hall to a room with a chair as if I was going to the dentist. Instead it was the doctor office. They strapped me down to the chair saying it was a self evaluation check for new inmates. I drifted off thinking what have I've done to be here?
All I know is that my name is Lexis Savage who lost her father because he was killed by her stepfather, who had a mother that was dumb enough to fall for this murder, who than killed her by poisoning her, which made her ill, then managing to keep my sister and I as his own, throwing us towards his lame friends that made me kill my dear sister Lexia... So really who am I? If I loved my sister that much, how could I have killed her?

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