Becoming Kat

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  • Dedicated to Jeremy Stauffer

“We should start back,” Kat urged as the shadows grew longer around them.

“We are almost finished, just stay calm.”

“Are you afraid of the dark, Kat?” Markus asked as he grinned is toothy smile.

Kat turned her head away from him, pretending to look around them for any signs of danger.

Markus was the oldest of the four at twenty five, but always acted younger than the rest. He had too much confidence in his leadership responsibilities that it blinded him from reality.

“I’m not afraid of the dark, just what hides in it.” Kat whispered softly as she slowly made her way from the group. They needed to spread out and keep looking for any signs of vampires.

“We’ve never seen them here, not once.” Ben scratched at his growing scruff and moved off with Kat. Ben was a quiet man and knew that he was better off going with Kat. She was stealthy, quick, and combat smart, besides, she was better company than Markus and Lukas. Those twins were just too full of themselves, too hot headed for his taste.

“Just because we’ve never seen them doesn’t mean they won’t come. We are not alone out here, and we shouldn’t get too comfortable.” The setting sun began darkening everything around them as they circles back to the perimeter. “Camp is four miles away, we should get going.”

“Jack said that once…” Ben looked off in the direction of the twins.

“Said what?” Kat pulled her jacket closer around her, buttoning it up to her neck, and adjusting the metal plate that was hidden there.

“Jack warned us that we wouldn’t be safe, that the vampires would come. We were overrun the next day…”

Kat sighed and patted Ben’s shoulder. “I’m sure he was a good man, Ben, but we need to focus on right now, okay?” She froze suddenly, in mid step. A warning yell rang out from the clearing ahead of them. Crouching down both Ben and Kat began sneaking up on the clearing, straining to hear what was going on around them.

Ben glanced at Kat as they neared the clearing. He could see the tension in her body, her eyes hidden under the cover of her dark hood. They could hear people fighting, skin on skin, maybe a weapon.

Kat leaned forward and peered out into the gray and blue field. A man stood in the middle, sword drawn, while Markus and Lukas moved in circles around him. “Vampire…” The whisper barely passed from Ben’s lips when Kat surged forward at a sprint. She burst through the trees, blades drawn and ready to fight.

“Let’s go!” She shouted to the twins. Standing back she knew that the vampire had the advantage, but he might flee. “Markus!”

They were not listening. Ben moved up beside her, eyes never leaving the vampire. His silver eyes reflected light back like metal as they darted from face to face. “Ben, go warn the others, get them moving.” Ben stood there as if he did not hear anything. “Now!”

Reluctantly, he made his way back to the shelter of the trees. She had been preparing for a moment like this for years now. The first time she had encountered a vampire, Kat had no knowledge about what they were, or how to defend her and others. She had watched others die and become slaves around her while all she did was run. It was all she knew, and it had saved her life, but it burdened her mind when she thought of her family. She had not thought of them when she ran, just after.

Tonight would be different. Her senses were keen and ready, her body tense. The entire day had been so pleasant, but it is those days were darkness catches people off guard. A cold wind blew against her back, making the trees rustle and groan.

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