Becoming Kat: Part 2

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Once light began filtering into my corner I knew it was time to start working. Hiding my book underneath the corner of the table, I picked up my previously read books and began to place them back on the shelves.

“Do you always break the rules?” A deep voice rang out from the silence.

My heart began to race, but I quickly continued putting books away from the other tables and desks until a hand snatched my own. A tall handsome vampire stood beside me. He was broad shouldered with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me, but I had to force myself to look away. “I asked you a question.”

A surge of heat was running through my veins now. Why did the vampires think they were so much better than humans? I swallowed my pride and stopped trying to put the couple books back. “I’m not doing anything different than normal.”

“So your answer is yes then. That is really all you needed to say.” He smiled and let go of my hand, a red mark lingered from his touch. “Do you enjoy reading then? I’ve always found that books are a great way to get away from the world, a place to relax. Although, I find it hard to find books I enjoy reading.”

He thumbed through a couple books as I finished placing the last few books in their correct shelves. By then, the sun was shining through the red stain glass windows, covering everything in a brilliant warm glow. Looking around the room, I saw that there was one more book to be placed in its place on the shelf, but I was not going to be able to reach it. I am not built like a vampire. I am just a couple inches over five feet tall. Usually there would be a step stool, but it had been misplaced or used for something other than its intention.

Stretching, I could barely touch the bottom corner of where the book needed to go. Looking around I found a chair and was about to move it to where I could stand on it when the unfamiliar vampire plucked the book from my grasp. “I’ve got it.”

Giving a small curtsey I noticed that my back was beginning to burn slightly. Great, I thought, now I am going to be in pain all day. “Good day, My Lord.” I turned to leave, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me in my tracks.

“What is your name then?” He smiled again, but I could not look at his face. A fluttering in my stomach made me feel ill, but I knew that all vampires were attractive to humans. It is part of their nature. They are predators, they attract us in, and then they make their kill.

“Katlyn…” I dared to take a glance, but immediately regretting it as his crystal blue eyes seared into mine. Those eyes were burned into her memory forever.

“I would recognize that name anywhere.” His smile faded slightly but was back in the same second. “I believe you know my oldest brother then,” He shifted his weight, arms crossed. “Aleczander…”

I knew that name, and I hated it. It brought the taste of bile into my throat as the anger rose inside of me again. So this was an Immortal. This was either Gregory or Demetrius, but telling who was younger would be impossible for her eyes. She had never met either of the two younger brothers, and only met the oldest brother a handful of times, but she would never forget their faces. I tried to keep my face calm, but I knew my emotions betrayed me.

“You are a wildling from his stories. A laugh escaped the vampire, but it was forced, trying to ease the tension in the air. I could feel my neck guard expanding slightly as my anger boiled inside.

“I should have guessed it was you from your necklace.” He reached out to touch it. I jerked back, tripping over a chair and crashing to the floor. My back screamed with pain as I landed.

“Don’t touch me.” Trying to stand up I realized that I had scratched my arm during the fall. Some of the metal work on the chairs must have caught me, for it tore through my sweater and skin. I knew something was wrong the moment I looked into the vampire’s eyes. They had become a deep red color, almost like blood. He stared straight at my cut, assessing it, smelling my blood in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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