Chapter 1

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I was in the car again. I've made this trip so many times that I can practicaly close my eyes and know the way. This trip I have made too many times also, too many times than I wanted to, but I had to. The radio was turned on as my mom drived, but i had my headphones in listening to "Cuddle Fuddle" by Passion Pit.

It's a good song and everyone should listen to it, it made me feel safe and calm..until I had to take them out. My music was loud so I couldn't here the songs from the 60's my mom was listening to, I didn't realize that she had turned it off and started talking to me. I turned my head and just kind of looked at her lips moving with nothing coming out that was logical, like the invisible parents in the "Peanuts" by Charles Schulz.

"Wawawa wawa wawawawawawawa," she said," wa wa wa wa wa wawawa!". I still wasn't listening to her. She got that angry look on her face that all parents make at their children when they're disappointed, so I took out my head phones. "Really, Jasper, really," she said angrily," I thought that we were done with this. never having to make it again to this place. I said the last day,' I will not miss the people here, the doctors, thenurses, and the patients. My son doesn't belong here with these people, and he'll never come back'," she hit the steering wheel," AND YET HERE WE ARE!!!!!!" she yelled as we pulled into the patient parking lot.

I got out of the car. it was a brisk fall day and I had dumbly put on shorts and a v-neck pink shirt, I really felt like I belonged here when I look like this. The nurses cam out with a wheel chair I had to sit in like I was going to fall or pass out soon (which I was feeling like being here) and wheeled me through the door. My mom walked behind me as we waited in the lobbey, she looked strange in the pale lighting. I read the sign just infront of me, it had smiling children on it who were all laughing an dplaying together. I never get it, it's the teenage area.

But still the sign seemed to slap me in the face it read.

                               Welcome To Sunnyburn Psych Ward!!

                                        Welcoming all cases of mental instability!!

                              We care for you here and love you!!!!!!!!!

                                          We hope we make you comfortable in our fun, safe atmosphere!!


Then something new that shook me to the core in small print under the lame curly, rainbow lettering:

                                         Under new managment by Dr. Grimmsley


I gripped the chair as they pushed me into the waiting room of the mental institute. This was the last place I wanted to be now. The building smelled of handsanitizer and pine-sol, everything was white. The chairs, tables, desk, uniforms were all white.

As you noticed by now, I obviously have a mental issue if I'm here. Don't get me wrong, it freaks you out, right? No. Not all mental illnesses are scary, mine's not.

People are often scared of me, I don't know why. Maybe the word 'mental illness' scares them out of their wits like I'm a psycho bomber tht's going to blow up the school, no.

Last year, I was the most unhappy kid ever, I still am. But I had tried to kill myself because of my unhappiness and bullying. I'm better now, don't get me wrong, I'm obviously not better if I'm here but I'm doing better.

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