Chapter 3

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I woke up in my bedroom.Everyone was surrounding me.I slowly sat up,and they just stared at me.

"What happened?Who screamed?"I ask.My chest was tight as hell.I could feel my heart racing.

"You did,Adaley.Remember? You looked down,and screamed.Then you passed out,but Matt caught you before you hit the floor.Are you ok?"Christian said.His eyes were glazed over,and he had a worried look.I nodded,but I was really hungry.When was the last time I actually ate food?

"Elena,Adaley maybe yal should make dinner.Everyone has gotta be hungry by now.Zack take Matt up to the tower,and show him yoir ways.Chris with me.We gotta do some stuff..."Andrew said.Zack jumped up,and grabbed Matt

Then they were gone,I could hear their footsteps as they ran to do as they were told.I didn't see Andrew and Chris go,but they weren't in the room anymore.

"C'mon.Tonight is sandwhich and milk night.If we don't feed the beasts soon,they may start getting unmanageable.Hahaa."Elena said with a smile.She lead me to the kitchen.It had a granite island design countertop, built in stove and dishwasher,a deep freeze,and a side by side refrigerator.The colors were black and red.8barstools were set around the counter.Elena reached to a counter and pulled out peanut butter,jelly,and bread.She handed me tall drinking glasses,and I filled them up with milk.When I was done setting them in their proper places,I turned to see Elena piling sandwiches on a huge red platter.She rang a bell,and within seconds it seemed as if everyone appeared in the kitchen.Elena cast me a smirk,as if she wanted to say told you so.The boys took their spots,and then Elena and I joined them.

"Adaley,are you from the south?When you talk you have twang.Real cool."Christian said after devouring 4 sandwiches.

"Uh???Matt?Where we from?"I ask him.I can't remember pretty much anything.Matt wiped his mouth using his sleeve.

"We're from Louisiana.Or were born there.We moved to Texas when she was 7.I don't hace twang cuz I was shipped to New York for a private school.Just got back last week."Matt babbled.Christian nodded,as if he had already known.

"Adaley,thanks for helping me out in the kitchen.I just love posioning the boys with healthy food.Plus being the only girl sucks.I'm glad you're here now."Elena said.Then she stood up,and grabbed the empty plates.I grabbed the cups.We worked together to put them in the dishwasher, and when we were done we saw the boys had disappeared again.Elena looked down,and her eyes got big.

"Your toe is broken.I guess when the boys came in,one of them stepped on it.Does it hurt?"Elena askedas she knelt down by it.I looked down,and shook my head.I didn't even feel it at all.

"I can fix it."Elena said,and hovered her hands over the broken toe.A blue gow radiated from her hand,and my toe went back to normal.Elena looked up shyly.Noone must know,her look said.

"I won't tell anyone.Promis."I said.She looked relieved.She looped our arms,and we skipped to the den,and relaxed while watching "One Tree Hill".

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