Chapter 4

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"Adaley!Wake up!!!!!"Elena screamed in my ear.I jumped up,and she busted out laughing.I looked at the clock on the wall,and was suprised to see that it was already 9:30 in the morning.I stood up,and stretched.My back ached from sleeping on the couch.

"Gotta make breakfast!Come on!Before they wake up,so we can eat first!!!"Elena exclaimed.She was so hyper,and I felt a little annoyed with her.How could she be so hyper this early?People who are morning people freak me out.

"Okay, okay. "I mutter as she and I go to the kitchen.I walk to the fridge to see what is on the menu today,and I am glad to see that it was banana pancakes.My favorite! Elena mixes the batter while I chop up the bananas.When I am done,she mixes them in,and tells me to shower while she flipped them.I go to my room,grab some clothes,and jump in the shower.

Afterwards,I go back downstairs,and eat a few pancakes.When she and I are done the boys appear.

"Hey,yal have a gym?I feel like working out some?"I ask Elena.She nods,and tells me how to get there.I get there in no time.I change in the girls' lockerroom,and walk out into the gym.

Treadmills,weight bars,weights,pullup bars,punchimg bag,and a huge stereo system with cds stacked behind it.I nod my head in approval,and place a Hinder cd in the stereo.I am stretching when.I hear someone come up behind me.

"Uh,you know this is the guys' gym right?The girl one is next door

Follow.I will show you."Chris says to me.Reluctantly,I follow.He brings me through a door,and I am appalled!There is a stereo,a treadmill,and little ankle weights.

"Hell no!I am working out in the guy gym.End of story."I say,and walk back to the other gym.I start off on the treadmill at a steady pace,but work my way up to sprinting.Chris is doing push-ups a few feet away.

"Hey!Go to the girls' gym!This one is for men!"Andrew yelled as he ran to where I was.Matt trailed him.I stopped running,and waited for him to get to me.I was pissed off.I'm probably stronger than them!Andrew is now 2 feet away,so I step off the treadmill,and finish the distance.

"Then why are you in here?"I ask him.Instantly,his face turns red.Chris and Matt look at each other.Then out of nowhere,I had the urge

to punch Andrew in the face,so I did.He stumbled backwards,and cupped the right side of his face

Tomorrow,he would have a black eye.I crossed my arms,and smiled at him.

"Why did you do that?"Andrew asked me.I shrugged,and walked away.He grabbed my shoulders,and turned me around.I ducked before he could headlock me,and then I kicled his knees in.He collapsed.I put a foot over his throat,and a knee in his stomach.He began to squirm under me,and everytime he did,I pressed down harder.

"Come on!If you're a man,this should be nothing!Tap out!Give in!"I whisper to him.He was beginning to pale.After a few seconds of hesitation,he tapped out.Chris and Matt clapped behind me as I got off of Andrew.

"Why!"Andrew yelled when he had finally regained his composure.Chris laughed,and offered Andrew his hand up.

"You annoy me."I said.Now all 3 boys stood in front of me.Matt lunged,but I easily sidestepped him,which caused him to crash into a wall.KO.Chris and Andrew charged at the same time.I jumped over them,and landed behind them on my feet.With a quick face punch,Chris went down.I dragged Matt and Chris to a support beam,and quickly tied them to it with rope,then taped them to it with duct tape.Andrew tried to tackle me,but I saw him coming.He ended.up running into my fist.Oops!I pounced on him.I made him lay spread eagle style,and tied his hands to another support beam.Then I tied his fert together.

"Ha!3 to 1,and you guys call yourselves men!Just been schooled by a lady."I taunted.Andrew struggled with his bonds.I stood up,and watched his chest rise and fall rapidly.

"Torturer!"Andrew whispered through clenched teeth.I laughed,and ran to the lockerroom to change.

"See you later!"I call back over my shoulder.Chris just laughs.

"Woman!Come untie me!Please?"Andrew yelled,adding please on.I went out into the hallway,and started searching for Elena.She was in the library.

"Fun.Oh,Chris,Matt,and Andrew are kinda tied up at the gym right now.Hahaa."I said to Elena as I walk in.I sit down next to her,and she smiles.I tell her everything.

"Evil little thing aren't you?"Elena said with a chuckle.

"Evil?Me?Never!"I said innocently.She made a mock serious face,and we bursted out laughing.Zack entered then.

"Hey have you seen Andrew?I can't find Matt either."Zack said,and that cause us to laugh harder.

"What is so funny?Oh!Nevermind!You girls are so weird!"Zack exclaims,and leaves the library.

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